WHEREAS State budget difficulties have led to drastic budget cuts to colleges and universities throughout Colorado in recent years; and WHEREAS Club 20 continues to believe strongly in the importance …
ED-10-2-Education Reform
WHEREAS education is the foundation of our civilized and free society and is the best investment that we can make to help ensure a prosperous future, and WHEREAS providing our …
ED-12-2-Education Guiding Principles
**Note: the following serves as a guiding document only. CLUB 20’s Board of Directors and/or Executive Committee reserve the right to interpret and amend this document and the included principles …
BA-15-3-Using Private-Public Partnerships to Help Address Infrastructure Needs
WHEREAS government at all levels – federal, state and local – face financial challenges to construct and maintain a wide range of infrastructural needs, and WHEREAS many Colorado communities …
BA – 06 – 2-Promoting Good Government In Colorado
WHEREAS, while there exist a multitude of organizations which advocate for government policies that benefit their specific constituency, there is currently no mechanism for promoting the foundation concepts of good …
BA – 06 – 3-Planning Colorado’s Future
WHEREAS Colorado has no long-range comprehensive vision of what we want our state to become, and in the absence of such a long-range vision for our state, Colorado’s public policy …
BA – 06 – 1-Investment In And Accountability Of Government
WHEREAS the public’s trust in government is eroding as evidenced by polling data and an increasing number of citizen initiatives that erode representative democracy, and WHEREAS it is not wise …
BA-13-1-Immigration Reform, Support for
WHEREAS CLUB 20 supports immigration reform that reinforces economic strength and stability on a state and federal level that will be viable as the American economy and culture continue to …
BA – 03 – 3-Gallagher Constitutional Amendment, Amendment to
Whereas the Gallagher Amendment to the Colorado constitution (adopted in 1982) requires that out of all property taxes collected statewide each year, taxes on residential property can account for only …
TO – 19 – 1-Encouraging Investment In Western Colorado By The Film Industry
WHEREAS Western Colorado is one of the most attractive regions in the United States and provides scenery that is in high demand by the film industry; and WHEREAS in 1998, …
BA – 90 – 2-Economic Development Office West Slope
WHEREAS the Governor’s Office currently funds the position of a Western Colorado Business Development Representative within the Colorado Office of Economic Development, and WHEREAS the Western Slope is a unique …
BA – 10 – 1-Davis-Bacon Wage Act
WHEREAS the Davis-Bacon Act was enacted by Congress in 1931 and established the requirement for paying prevailing wages on public works projects (All federal government construction contracts, and most contracts …
BA-12-1-Club 20 Immigration Reform Principles
WHEREAS Club 20 supports immigration reform that reinforces economic strength and stability on a state and federal level that will be viable as the American economy and culture continue to …
BA-11-1-Business Regulation Principles
Club 20 recognizes that in order to have an orderly society and a dynamic economy, rules must be established that apply to those willing and interested in building businesses and …
BA – 09 – 1-Business/Labor Relations
WHEREAS the quality of life in Colorado is largely determined by the viability of our economy and our ability to remain competitive with other states and nations, and WHEREAS it …
BA – 03 – 2-Balancing Fiscal Constraints Flexibility For Government
Whereas without restrictions, the cost of governments can grow faster than their relative economies, thus placing an increasing tax burden on the citizenry; and Whereas it is necessary to balance …
BA-02-1-Affordable Housing for the Western Slope
WHEREAS higher education, energy, agribusiness, tourism, and many other industries are large employers contributing significant economic investment in the Western Slope; and WHEREAS the success of a diverse economy relies …
AG – 06 – 8-WEIGHT Restrictions Over The Road Exempting Livestock From
WHEREAS agriculture in all its forms continues to epitomize the great state of Colorado; and WHEREAS the livestock industry remains one of the most important parts of Agriculture; and WHEREAS …
AG-96-2-Taxes on Farmland, Inheritance and Estate
WHEREAS sustaining the agricultural economy of the West depends upon the ability of families to pass along the farm from one generation to the next; and WHEREAS state inheritance and …
AG-96-3-Tax Classification Agricultural Property
WHEREAS agricultural land in Colorado is taxed on its earning or productive capacity, not its market value; and WHEREAS this wise tax policy is intended to help preserve a viable …
AG-06-7-Right to Farm
WHEREAS Colorado statutes CRS 35-3.5-101-103 define the “right to farm” and have indicated the importance of agriculture to all our Colorado residents and visitors; and WHEREAS Colorado’s Right to Farm …
AG-06-6-Property Rights and Takings
WHEREAS the 5th Amendment to the United States Constitution guarantees that private property shall not be taken for public uses without just compensation; and WHEREAS many “takings” result in a …
AG -06-5-Predator Control
WHEREAS livestock production is a vital part of the Western Slope economy, generating millions of dollars and thousands of jobs, as well as preserving the natural beauty of the region, …
AG – 08 – 1-Management Of Non-Native Insects
WHEREAS agriculture is Colorado’s 3rd largest industry; and WHEREAS the infestation of non-native invasive insects such as the Japanese Beetle, Emerald Ash Borer and European Wood Wasp poses a threat …
AG – 03 – 2-Maintaining Competitive Agriculture Markets
WHEREAS CLUB 20 has long maintained a concern for the continuation of healthy agricultural production in western Colorado; and WHEREAS agricultural industry on the Western Slope is subject to higher …
AG – 98 – 2-Labor, Migrant Farm Labor Access
WHEREAS the shortage of agricultural labor continues to plague Western Slope agricultural producers, despite recent efforts to import legal workers; and WHEREAS the United States Citizenship and Immigration Service’s (USCIS) …
AG-06-10-International Trade, Protecting Colorado Agriculture Interests
WHEREAS American agriculture producers are the most efficient producers in the world; and WHEREAS international trade agreements can benefit American agriculture producers, and more specifically Colorado producers, only if those …
AG-05-2-International Free Trade Agreements
WHEREAS the United States business community and labor force can compete strongly with other countries when operating within equivalent trade parameters and constraints; and WHEREAS when trade parameters and constraints …
AG – 08 – 2-Horses (Unwanted), Humane Disposal Of
WHEREAS there are an increasing number of unwanted horses; and WHEREAS there is no market for unwanted horses except to transport them to other countries (i.e. Mexico and Canada) to …
AG – 96 – 1-Habitat Partnership Program
WHEREAS the Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW), in conjunction with the Colorado Cattlemen’s Association, the Colorado Wool Growers, sportspersons, and public land management agencies, have developed the Habitat Partnership Program …
AG-15-1-Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) Resolution
WHEREAS a tremendous amount of resources have been dedicated to the study of biotechnology and the American Medical Association, the National Academy of Sciences and many other organizations have found …
AG-06-9-Future Of Agriculture In Colorado
WHEREAS agriculture has always been one of the cornerstones of Colorado’s economy; and WHEREAS Colorado is a statutory Right to Farm state; and WHEREAS agriculture also serves the increasingly important …
AG – 06 – 1-Diversification of Agriculture Production
WHEREAS new products and markets are necessary for continued success and development in agriculture; and WHEREAS specialty crop production has the potential to sustain the economic viability of Colorado agriculture, …
AG-05-1-Commercial Motor Vehicle Requirements, Exemption Of Agriculture Vehicles
WHEREAS the Transportation Act of 1995 redefined a commercial motor vehicle (CMV) as being from 10,001 lbs. to 26,001 lbs. gross vehicle weight and this has the effect of placing …
AG-14-01-Colorado River Basin – Ag Land Dry-up
WHEREAS should drought conditions persist in the Colorado River Basin, projections show a serious near-term risk that water elevations in Lake Mead and Lake Powell could decline to levels that likely …
AG-06-4-Colorado Agricultural Products, Promotion of
WHEREAS Club 20 believes that Colorado producers can deliver quality, price, performance, customer service, and timely delivery to establish a sustainable market relationship; and WHEREAS Club 20 recognizes the importance …
AG – 03 – 3-Bio-Pharming In Colorado
Whereas the use of agriculture crops as a source of basic ingredients for synthetic pharmaceuticals is emerging as an additional economic opportunity for farmers; and Whereas the climate and isolated …
AG – 02 – 1-Animal By-Product Waste, Disposal of
WHEREAS certain animal byproducts are no longer utilized in animal feed and no longer have an economic value; and WHEREAS Western Slope processors do not have the ability to dispose …
AG – 98 – 1-Agriculture-Related Ballot Initiatives
WHEREAS ballot initiatives are voted on by the general public who are not familiar with agriculture operations or the necessary day-to-day agriculture activities and animal husbandry practices; and WHEREAS ballot …
AG – 04 – 1-Agricultural Education Program Funding
WHEREAS the Future Farmers of America (FFA) programs, 4H programs, and other vocational programs are partially funded by the state and are administered under the Colorado Community College System (CCCS); …
AG-06-2-Ag Programs, Federal and State
WHEREAS the government at both the state and federal level can play an important but limited role in promoting a viable agriculture industry, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Club 20 …
AG-06-3-Ag Land Protection
WHEREAS agricultural lands provide not only economic benefit to the Western Slope, but also supply much of the open space and wildlife habitat, and thus the quality of life, which …
AG-09-1-Acreage Subject To Subdivision Restrictions
WHEREAS Colorado Revised Statutes (CRS 30-28-103) authorize counties to regulate land uses through zoning, to appoint a planning commission, and to prepare and adopt a comprehensive plan for the physical …