TR-22-3 Guiding Principle: Transportation Funding

WHEREAS Club 20 was founded in 1953 to support needed transportation infrastructure on the Western Slope; and WHEREAS an efficient, high quality, convenient transportation infrastructure is key for economic recovery …

PLNR-22-1 Guiding Principle: Livestock Grazing

WHEREAS properly managed livestock grazing is compatible with the health landscapes and promotes wildfire mitigation, biological diversity, open space, species conservation, functioning wildlife habitat and land resource protection; and WHEREAS …

BA-21-1 Child Care and the Economy of the West Slope

WHEREAS Colorado’s pre-COVID annual economic loss was $2.2 billion in lost earnings, productivity, and revenue; and WHEREAS the consequences of insufficient child care in Western Colorado impacts working parents, employers, …

WA-19-2 Endangered Fish Recovery Programs

WHEREAS CLUB 20 continues to vigorously defend western Colorado water rights and the Colorado system of water law, and   WHEREAS the Upper Colorado River and San Juan River Basin …

WA-02-1 Instream Flow Programs

WHEREAS in 1973 the Colorado Legislature passed landmark legislation to protect Colorado’s natural environment through a pioneer in-stream flow law; and   WHEREAS since the inception of Colorado’s instream flow …

PLNR-20-1 Proposed Wolf Introduction

WHEREAS special interest groups periodically propose to introduce wolves in Colorado, with the Western Slope as the primary targeted release area; and wildlife management experts with the U.S. Fish and …

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Club 20 How To? How Do I Get an Item On a Policy Committee’s Agenda?

Club 20 How To? How Do I Get an Item On a Policy Committee’s Agenda?
Club 20 has 9 different policy committees with two co-chairs for each committee. The Education sub-committee is currently facilitated by the Business Affairs & Workforce Development committee. The co-chairs are intended to be subject matter experts and are tasked with keeping their ear to the ground to keep Club 20 staff, leadership, and members informed on the issues impacting Western Colorado.