TR – 08 – 1-Tolling and Managed Lanes on Colorado Roadways

WHEREAS it is important to Colorado’s economy to support the construction andmaintenance of a statewide transportation system for the movement of people, goods and services; and

WHEREAS it is necessary that all Coloradans who utilize the state’s transportation system contribute to the cost of constructing and maintaining that system; and

WHEREAS if citizens in one geographic area of the state opt to assume the responsibility for paying for their own transportation infrastructure needs, they are less likely to also support investment in the statewide transportation infrastructure which we all use and benefit from; and

WHEREAS under Colorado law, Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) and Colorado Transportation Investment Office (CTIO) are authorized to add new tolling facilities and managed lanes to their system; and

WHEREAS applying tolling or managed lanes to a  specific roadway will provide funds  that cover all costs for THAT specific roadway. but the cost for these improvements shall not reduce funding for all other roadways in Colorado; and

WHEREAS federal law presently prohibits any tolling of existing state and federal roadways because citizens have already paid for these roads through their payment of gas taxes; and

WHEREAS citizens should have the choice of whether they want to utilize tolled roads (at the tolled rate) or use existing roadways (which have already been paid for); and


  • Club 20 believes that any new proposed toll roads should be part of a more comprehensive multi-modal plan.
  • Club 20 supports roadway tolling ONLY on new roads and/or lanes and multi-modal transit components.
  • Club Club 20 insists that any tolling or managed lane proposal that affects the Western Slope should be developed collaboratively with Club 20, Western Slope legislators, local government officials, businesses, and community groups.
  • Club 20 believes consideration of new tolling facilities and managed lanes shall be given due process that includes transparent public engagement.
  • Club 20 will oppose any cost for tolling and managed lane improvements that will reduce funding for all Colorado roadways.

  Adopted 4/4/2008

Amended 3/28/2014

Amended 4/12/2019

Amended 9/20/24

Resolution in PDF Format