WHEREAS the use of unmanned aerial systems for civilian use is forecasted to become an emerging industry that will provide significant benefits for the residents of Colorado, as well as economic development and employment opportunities; and
WHEREAS there are many beneficial uses for UAS that include but are not limited to search and rescue, agriculture, wildfire suppression, disaster response, infrastructure management and others and
WHEREAS Congress has directed the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), to integrate UAS into the National Airspace System, (NAS); and
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Club 20 supports the State of Colorado, FAA and the private UAS industry in efforts to enhance the development and integration of UAS into the NAS, and make the UAS industry an economic driver and benefit for the entire state of Colorado, providing there is no invasion of privacy, in accordance with federal guidelines.
Adopted 3/28/2014
Amended 4/1/2016
Amended 3/23/2022