WA-19-2 Endangered Fish Recovery Programs

WHEREAS CLUB 20 continues to vigorously defend western Colorado water rights and the Colorado system of water law, and


WHEREAS the Upper Colorado River and San Juan River Basin recovery programs (“Programs”) have the dual objectives of recovery of endangered fish species and continued management and development of water for human purposes, and


WHEREAS the fundamental tenets of the Programs are providing water for endangered fish in accordance with state law and interstate compacts and that no water for endangered fish will be obtained by condemnation or regulatory taking, and


WHEREAS the costs for these Programs are equitably distributed in a mutually agreeable manner among the federal government, upper basin states, and water users, and


WHEREAS Congress authorized funding for the Upper Colorado and San Juan River Endangered Fish Recovery Programs in October of 2000, (P.L. 106-392) and authorized funding (both direct and cost-shared) to implement these two endangered fish recovery programs, and


WHEREAS the Programs provide compliance with the Endangered Species Act for large and small federal, non-federal, and tribal water projects in the Upper Colorado and San Juan River basins, and

WHEREAS the Programs, by federal statute, end in 2023,



  • Club 20 recognizes the benefits of and supports the Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program and the San Juan River Basin Recover Implementation Program and supports continued implementation of the Upper Colorado River and San Juan River Basin endangered fish recovery programs and urges Congress to continue to support and fund these programs, and
  • Club 20 opposes any part of the Endangered Fish Recovery Program that would result in modifying existing water rights without the expressed consent and only with just-compensation of the property owner.
  • Club 20 supports minimizing negative impacts to flows of streams and rivers while pursuing endangered fish recovery.


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Club 20 supports adequate funding be appropriated through the Recovery Program to ensure non-native fish cannot escape reservoirs into downstream waters and stabilizing the stream banks below Flaming Gorge Dam.


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Club 20 supports a replacement program or programs post-2023 that ensures continued water use, opportunity for new water development and eventual de-listing of all four listed fish species along with assured funding to ensure the Programs’ success.


Adopted 3/6/1998

Amended 9/10/2010

Amended 3/27/2015

Amended 5/29/2020

Resolution in PDF Format