WHEREAS rural regions in Western Colorado continue to lag far behind the urban Front Range and much of the country when it comes to the availability, reliability, affordability, and quality of …
TE-05-1-Telecommunications Principles
Affordable, quality, widely- available access to advanced telecommunications services and broadband service is critical to the present and future viability of Colorado communities, businesses, and residents. The proper role …
TE-00-2-Right-Of-Way Fees and Timely Approval for the Placement and Relocation of Fiber Optic Cables and Other Utility Facilities
WHEREAS rural communities in Colorado have a need to access the nation’s advanced telecommunications network, and future telecommunications infrastructure development investments are being made, including the placement of fiber optic …
TE- 00- 4-Support for Interoperable Emergency Radios and a New Wireless Public Safety Broadband Network
WHEREAS public safety and homeland security are a priority for our communities, and WHEREAS having in place modern emergency radio systems, including DTR, VHF, and broadband, with direct interoperability to …
TE-00-1-Cell Phones, Prohibiting Limits on Use of
WHEREAS the vast distances between communities in western Colorado require the use of cell phones for business, personal, and emergency situations, acting as a critical communications tool, and WHEREAS local …