TE-00-1-Cell Phones, Prohibiting Limits on Use of

WHEREAS the vast distances between communities in western Colorado require the use of cell phones for business, personal, and emergency situations, acting as a critical communications tool, and

WHEREAS local jurisdictions are more frequently outlawing the use of cell phones in moving cars, and

WHEREAS such cell phone use bans discourage capital investment in communications technology in areas imposing said bans, and

WHEREAS State statutes already outlaw the dangerous and unsafe use of cell phones in automobiles

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that CLUB 20 does not support additional regulations regarding the use of cell phones in light of existing laws addressing inattentive and unsafe driving.

 Adopted 3/3/2000

Renewed 9/5/2008

Amended 3/27/2015

 Formerly:00-3-TE 1


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