WHEREAS “Industrial Hemp” means a plant of the genus Cannabis and any part of the plant, whether growing or not, containing a delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) concentration of no more than …
AG – 06 – 8-WEIGHT Restrictions Over The Road Exempting Livestock From
WHEREAS agriculture in all its forms continues to epitomize the great state of Colorado; and WHEREAS the livestock industry remains one of the most important parts of Agriculture; and WHEREAS …
AG-96-2-Taxes on Farmland, Inheritance and Estate
WHEREAS sustaining the agricultural economy of the West depends upon the ability of families to pass along the farm from one generation to the next; and WHEREAS state inheritance and …
AG-96-3-Tax Classification Agricultural Property
WHEREAS agricultural land in Colorado is taxed on its earning or productive capacity, not its market value; and WHEREAS this wise tax policy is intended to help preserve a viable …
AG-06-7-Right to Farm
WHEREAS Colorado statutes CRS 35-3.5-101-103 define the “right to farm” and have indicated the importance of agriculture to all our Colorado residents and visitors; and WHEREAS Colorado’s Right to Farm …
AG-06-6-Property Rights and Takings
WHEREAS the 5th Amendment to the United States Constitution guarantees that private property shall not be taken for public uses without just compensation; and WHEREAS many “takings” result in a …
AG -06-5-Predator Control
WHEREAS livestock production is a vital part of the Western Slope economy, generating millions of dollars and thousands of jobs, as well as preserving the natural beauty of the region, …
AG – 08 – 1-Management Of Non-Native Insects
WHEREAS agriculture is Colorado’s 3rd largest industry; and WHEREAS the infestation of non-native invasive insects such as the Japanese Beetle, Emerald Ash Borer and European Wood Wasp poses a threat …
AG – 03 – 2-Maintaining Competitive Agriculture Markets
WHEREAS CLUB 20 has long maintained a concern for the continuation of healthy agricultural production in western Colorado; and WHEREAS agricultural industry on the Western Slope is subject to higher …
AG – 98 – 2-Labor, Migrant Farm Labor Access
WHEREAS the shortage of agricultural labor continues to plague Western Slope agricultural producers, despite recent efforts to import legal workers; and WHEREAS the United States Citizenship and Immigration Service’s (USCIS) …
AG-06-10-International Trade, Protecting Colorado Agriculture Interests
WHEREAS American agriculture producers are the most efficient producers in the world; and WHEREAS international trade agreements can benefit American agriculture producers, and more specifically Colorado producers, only if those …
AG-05-2-International Free Trade Agreements
WHEREAS the United States business community and labor force can compete strongly with other countries when operating within equivalent trade parameters and constraints; and WHEREAS when trade parameters and constraints …
AG – 08 – 2-Horses (Unwanted), Humane Disposal Of
WHEREAS there are an increasing number of unwanted horses; and WHEREAS there is no market for unwanted horses except to transport them to other countries (i.e. Mexico and Canada) to …
AG – 96 – 1-Habitat Partnership Program
WHEREAS the Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW), in conjunction with the Colorado Cattlemen’s Association, the Colorado Wool Growers, sportspersons, and public land management agencies, have developed the Habitat Partnership Program …
AG-15-1-Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) Resolution
WHEREAS a tremendous amount of resources have been dedicated to the study of biotechnology and the American Medical Association, the National Academy of Sciences and many other organizations have found …
AG-06-9-Future Of Agriculture In Colorado
WHEREAS agriculture has always been one of the cornerstones of Colorado’s economy; and WHEREAS Colorado is a statutory Right to Farm state; and WHEREAS agriculture also serves the increasingly important …
AG – 06 – 1-Diversification of Agriculture Production
WHEREAS new products and markets are necessary for continued success and development in agriculture; and WHEREAS specialty crop production has the potential to sustain the economic viability of Colorado agriculture, …
AG-05-1-Commercial Motor Vehicle Requirements, Exemption Of Agriculture Vehicles
WHEREAS the Transportation Act of 1995 redefined a commercial motor vehicle (CMV) as being from 10,001 lbs. to 26,001 lbs. gross vehicle weight and this has the effect of placing …
AG-14-01-Colorado River Basin – Ag Land Dry-up
WHEREAS should drought conditions persist in the Colorado River Basin, projections show a serious near-term risk that water elevations in Lake Mead and Lake Powell could decline to levels that likely …
AG-06-4-Colorado Agricultural Products, Promotion of
WHEREAS Club 20 believes that Colorado producers can deliver quality, price, performance, customer service, and timely delivery to establish a sustainable market relationship; and WHEREAS Club 20 recognizes the importance …
AG – 03 – 3-Bio-Pharming In Colorado
Whereas the use of agriculture crops as a source of basic ingredients for synthetic pharmaceuticals is emerging as an additional economic opportunity for farmers; and Whereas the climate and isolated …
AG – 02 – 1-Animal By-Product Waste, Disposal of
WHEREAS certain animal byproducts are no longer utilized in animal feed and no longer have an economic value; and WHEREAS Western Slope processors do not have the ability to dispose …
AG – 98 – 1-Agriculture-Related Ballot Initiatives
WHEREAS ballot initiatives are voted on by the general public who are not familiar with agriculture operations or the necessary day-to-day agriculture activities and animal husbandry practices; and WHEREAS ballot …
AG – 04 – 1-Agricultural Education Program Funding
WHEREAS the Future Farmers of America (FFA) programs, 4H programs, and other vocational programs are partially funded by the state and are administered under the Colorado Community College System (CCCS); …
AG-06-2-Ag Programs, Federal and State
WHEREAS the government at both the state and federal level can play an important but limited role in promoting a viable agriculture industry, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Club 20 …
AG-06-3-Ag Land Protection
WHEREAS agricultural lands provide not only economic benefit to the Western Slope, but also supply much of the open space and wildlife habitat, and thus the quality of life, which …
AG-09-1-Acreage Subject To Subdivision Restrictions
WHEREAS Colorado Revised Statutes (CRS 30-28-103) authorize counties to regulate land uses through zoning, to appoint a planning commission, and to prepare and adopt a comprehensive plan for the physical …
BA-21-1 Child Care and the Economy of the West Slope
WHEREAS Colorado’s pre-COVID annual economic loss was $2.2 billion in lost earnings, productivity, and revenue; and WHEREAS the consequences of insufficient child care in Western Colorado impacts working parents, employers, …
BA-19-1-Presidential Election by National Popular Vote, Opposition of
WHEREAS the Electoral College was created in 1787 during the Constitutional Convention with the intent of ensuring that each state had informed electors in place to represent them in major …
BA-15-3-Using Private-Public Partnerships to Help Address Infrastructure Needs
WHEREAS government at all levels – federal, state and local – face financial challenges to construct and maintain a wide range of infrastructural needs, and WHEREAS many Colorado communities …
BA – 06 – 2-Promoting Good Government In Colorado
WHEREAS, while there exist a multitude of organizations which advocate for government policies that benefit their specific constituency, there is currently no mechanism for promoting the foundation concepts of good …
BA – 06 – 3-Planning Colorado’s Future
WHEREAS Colorado has no long-range comprehensive vision of what we want our state to become, and in the absence of such a long-range vision for our state, Colorado’s public policy …
BA – 06 – 1-Investment In And Accountability Of Government
WHEREAS the public’s trust in government is eroding as evidenced by polling data and an increasing number of citizen initiatives that erode representative democracy, and WHEREAS it is not wise …
BA-13-1-Immigration Reform, Support for
WHEREAS CLUB 20 supports immigration reform that reinforces economic strength and stability on a state and federal level that will be viable as the American economy and culture continue to …
BA – 03 – 3-Gallagher Constitutional Amendment, Amendment to
Whereas the Gallagher Amendment to the Colorado constitution (adopted in 1982) requires that out of all property taxes collected statewide each year, taxes on residential property can account for only …
BA – 90 – 2-Economic Development Office West Slope
WHEREAS the Governor’s Office currently funds the position of a Western Colorado Business Development Representative within the Colorado Office of Economic Development, and WHEREAS the Western Slope is a unique …
BA – 10 – 1-Davis-Bacon Wage Act
WHEREAS the Davis-Bacon Act was enacted by Congress in 1931 and established the requirement for paying prevailing wages on public works projects (All federal government construction contracts, and most contracts …
BA-12-1-Club 20 Immigration Reform Principles
WHEREAS Club 20 supports immigration reform that reinforces economic strength and stability on a state and federal level that will be viable as the American economy and culture continue to …
BA-11-1-Business Regulation Principles
Club 20 recognizes that in order to have an orderly society and a dynamic economy, rules must be established that apply to those willing and interested in building businesses and …
BA – 09 – 1-Business/Labor Relations
WHEREAS the quality of life in Colorado is largely determined by the viability of our economy and our ability to remain competitive with other states and nations, and WHEREAS it …
BA – 03 – 2-Balancing Fiscal Constraints Flexibility For Government
Whereas without restrictions, the cost of governments can grow faster than their relative economies, thus placing an increasing tax burden on the citizenry; and Whereas it is necessary to balance …
BA-02-1-Affordable Housing for the Western Slope
WHEREAS higher education, energy, agribusiness, tourism, and many other industries are large employers contributing significant economic investment in the Western Slope; and WHEREAS the success of a diverse economy relies …
ED-10-1-Collaborative, Cooperative, and Integrated Education System
WHEREAS our education system has historically been viewed in a compartmentalized fashion whereby Preschool, K-12 and Post-Secondary institutions operate independently of each other, and NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that …
ED-15-1-K-12 Education Funding
WHEREAS the State of Colorado has implemented multiple educational reforms to make sure every child has access to a great teacher and an outstanding principal, but has not changed the …
ED-04-1-Higher Education in Western Colorado, Support of
WHEREAS CLUB 20 believes that a quality higher education, in one or more of its many forms, is virtually a necessity in today’s world for the economic and civic well-being …
ED-11-1-Higher Education Financial Aid Distribution
WHEREAS CLUB 20 counties are the proud host of some of Colorado’s leading institutions of higher education including: Colorado Mesa University, Western State Colorado University, Fort Lewis College, Colorado Mountain …
ED-94-1-Graduate Education, Support for Offering on the Western Slope
WHEREAS graduate programs provide increased opportunities for both individual earning potential and community economic development, and WHEREAS there are limited opportunities for such graduate coursework on the Western Slope; THEREFORE …
ED-93-2-Funding Higher Education Equitably Statewide
WHEREAS State budget difficulties have led to drastic budget cuts to colleges and universities throughout Colorado in recent years; and WHEREAS Club 20 continues to believe strongly in the importance …
ED-10-2-Education Reform
WHEREAS education is the foundation of our civilized and free society and is the best investment that we can make to help ensure a prosperous future, and WHEREAS providing our …
ED-12-2-Education Guiding Principles
**Note: the following serves as a guiding document only. CLUB 20’s Board of Directors and/or Executive Committee reserve the right to interpret and amend this document and the included principles …
EN-24-1: Guiding Principles: Climate/Greenhouse Gas
Guiding Principles: Climate/ Greenhouse Gas WHEREAS Energy, climate, and economic systems are complex, changeable and interrelated, and human flourishing depends on a functional balance of the three, and WHEREAS All …
EN-24-2: Guiding Principal: Regulations Concerning the Energy Industry
WHEREAS the energy sector employs more than 7.8 million Americans in many fields, including but not limited to; electric power generation, transmission, distribution and storage, energy efficiency and fuels, and …
EN-23-1: Guiding Principles: Energy Financials
WHEREAS Western Colorado’s energy industries thrive best under stable, predictable tax regimes, carefully balancing market-forces and incentives; and WHEREAS changes in tax and incentive policies have impacts on energy development, …
EN-11-1-Western Slope Mineral Energy Resources, Support of
WHEREAS the Western Slope is blessed with abundant mineral energy resources; and WHEREAS the responsible development and use of mineral energy resources, including coal, uranium, natural gas, and oil, is …
EN-08-1-Rules Concerning The Development of Colorado’s Oil & Gas Reserves
WHEREAS Colorado has large reserves of oil and natural gas and the development of these reserves is not only an important economic opportunity for our state, but also an important …
EN-03-2-Roan Plateau Management
WHEREAS the Roan Plateau has long been recognized for its mineral resources, with 56,000 acres set aside as the former Naval Oil Shale Reserve (NOSR), and the Roan Plateau Planning …
EN-03-1-Renewable Energy Resources In Western Colorado Development Of
WHEREAS cost competitive renewable energy technologies and applications are emerging in the marketplace, and WHEREAS the National Renewable Energy Laboratory found that Colorado is in the top 12 for wind …
EN-13-01-Renewable Energy and Efficiency
WHEREAS Colorado has one of the highest renewable energy standards in the United States, which has helped renewable energy resources, such as wind and solar, become a measurable portion of …
EN-02-2-Reclamation Of Mined Lands “Good Samaritan” Legislation
WHEREAS thousands of abandoned or inactive mines exist in Colorado and elsewhere in the United States; and WHEREAS abandoned mines can be a source of mine drainage that contributes heavy …
EN-05-2-Oil Shale, Development and Implementation of a National Strategy
WHEREAS the U.S. Department of Energy estimates that as much as 1 trillion barrels of recoverable oil may exist within the oil shale deposits of the Green River Formation in …
EN-05-4-Oil & Gas Drilling on Split-Estate Properties
WHEREAS both the agriculture and energy industries are important economic drivers in Western Colorado, and WHEREAS it is important to balance the right of oil and gas owners to access …
EN-01-1-National Energy Policy, Support For
WHEREAS the energy policies of the past are still not working. Our nation continues its dependence on foreign energy and we need to develop a plan that ensures the nation …
EN-05-1-Mineral Leasing Royalties on Naval Oil Shale Reserve Lands, Increasing Local Governments’ Share
WHEREAS both federal and state mineral leasing distribution laws set forth a priority for distribution of these funds to local governments socially or economically impacted by development of the mineral …
EN-09-3-Hydraulic Fracturing, Supporting Exemption for in the Safe Water Drinking Act
WHEREAS the practice of hydraulic fracturing is an important technology for the efficient development of natural gas reserves in much of Western Colorado’s tight sands and Southern Colorado’s coalbed geology …
EN-14-02-Hydraulic Fracturing Policy
WHEREAS Hydraulic fracturing has been conducted over a million times in the United States, is proven and is not a new technology. Hydraulic fracturing has also been used to stimulate …
EN-10-2-Ethanol, Support for
WHEREAS the ethanol industry in the United States currently blends up to 10 percent (E10) ethanol in gasoline tanks, and WHEREAS ethanol is a clean-burning fuel that naturally adds oxygen …
EN-10-3-Colorado’s Coal Industry, Support for
WHEREAS coal is an abundant energy mineral resource in Western Colorado, and WHEREAS Colorado’s coal is in high demand nationally because it has a high Btu and low mercury and …
EN-14-01-CO-2 Standards for Existing Coal Fired Power Plants Under the Clean Air Act Section 111(d)
WHEREAS the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) plans to use Section 111(d) of the Clean Air Act to propose, by June 1, 2014, “guidelines” for state plans to set standards of …
EN-09-2-Carbon Legislation and Rulemaking, Opposition of
WHEREAS any “Carbon Tax” legislation or regulatory measures (including “Cap and Trade” or the “Clean Power Plan” promulgated pursuant to section 111 (d) of the Clean Air Act or other …
HC-19-1 Support for Behavioral Health Services in Rural Areas
WHEREAS A shortage of Mental Health Providers and Services in Rural Areas (Western Colorado) frequently leaves impacted citizens, families, law enforcement, family counseling and health care providers struggling for solutions; …
HC-03-8-Uninsured Underinsured Persons Reducing The Number Of
Whereas CLUB 20 recognizes that the growing number of uninsured persons due to the increasing cost of health insurance and decreasing options for quality health service is an urgent problem; …
HC-03-4-Managed Health Care
WHEREAS Club 20 recognizes that managed care is an important part of the health care system by reducing to consumers overall costs of maintaining the system and providing more competitive …
HC-03-2-Individual Responsibility In Health Care
WHEREAS all citizens must help solve Colorado’s health care issues; and WHEREAS consumers must assume greater responsibility for their health care and must have the opportunity to be educated about …
HC-09-1-Health Information Technology
WHEREAS broad use of health information technology will: Improve health care quality, Prevent medical errors, Reduce health care costs, Increase administrative efficiencies, Decrease paperwork, and Expand access to affordable care, …
HC-03-7-Health Care System Efficiency
WHEREAS CLUB 20 recognizes the importance of a competitive health care marketplace and the value of maximizing efficiency of the health care system for the benefit of consumers, NOW, THEREFORE, …
HC-05-3-Health Care Principles
All Coloradans must work together to help solve Colorado’s health care challenges. Consumers must assume greater responsibility for, and knowledge of, their health and health care choices. Colorado State Government …
HC-03-5-Government’s Role In Health Care
WHEREAS CLUB 20 recognizes that the current health care system is built upon state and federal entitlement programs such as Medicare and Medicaid and that such programs – while a …
HC-09-2-Government Run Public Health Insurance Plan
WHEREAS CLUB 20 supports health care reform efforts to expand access, improve quality and create a more efficient health care delivery system, and WHEREAS the current system has not adequately …
HC-11-1-End-of-Life Care
WHEREAS the people of the communities in Western Colorado believe that quality of life is important for persons of all ages; and WHEREAS education is an important component of decisions …
HC-13-1-Behavioral Health Units, Support of
WHEREAS Club 20 has seen the imminent need to support, nurture and heal vulnerable citizens suffering from behavioral health and substance abuse issues, and understanding the importance of decreasing record-level …
PLNR-19-4: Guiding Principles: State Wildlife Management
WHEREAS the Colorado Parks and Wildlife Commission is appointed by the Governor to oversee the management of Colorado’s wildlife populations through the work of Colorado Parks and Wildlife; and WHEREAS …
PLNR-22-1 Guiding Principle: Livestock Grazing
WHEREAS properly managed livestock grazing is compatible with the health landscapes and promotes wildfire mitigation, biological diversity, open space, species conservation, functioning wildlife habitat and land resource protection; and WHEREAS …
PLNR-21-3 Public Process and Participation in the Development and Implementation of Public Lands Resource Management Plans
WHEREAS over 70% of the Western Slope is public lands; and WHEREAS Club 20 counties have actively participated, for many decades, in the development of the Western Slope Resource Management …
PLNR-21-1 Critical Watersheds, Water Security, and Wildfires
WHEREAS approximately 70% of Colorado’s forested landscape is in Western Colorado; the vast majority of which is managed by federal agencies; and WHEREAS these forested acres are the source …
PLNR-21-2: Guiding Principles: Special Land Use Designations
WHEREAS it is critical to maintain and support multiple uses on public lands. The land managing agency should strongly consider the local history, customs, culture, and economy as special designations …
PLNR-20-1 Proposed Wolf Introduction
WHEREAS special interest groups periodically propose to introduce wolves in Colorado, with the Western Slope as the primary targeted release area; and wildlife management experts with the U.S. Fish and …
PLNR-19-2-Guiding Principles: Endangered Species Act
WHEREAS Club 20 supports protection of endangered species as important to the economy and quality of life in Western Colorado; and WHEREAS the rich variety of wildlife that inhabit the …
PLNR-19-3-Guiding Principles: Forest and Watershed Health
WHEREAS Colorado has more than 24.4 million acres of forestland; and WHEREAS many of these forests include the headwaters of rivers that provide reliable, affordable water supplies which are foundational …
PLNR-19-1-Guiding Principles: Multiple Use of Public Lands
WHEREAS approximately 70% of the land in Western Colorado is managed by federal agencies; WHEREAS public lands have been one of the largest economic drivers in the region and play …
PLNR-09-3-Horses & Burros, Management of “Wild”
Whereas the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) “Wild” Horse and Burro Program (“WH&B”) March 2020 statistics are: The public rangelands identified for management of “wild” horses and burros have a …
PLNR-01-5-Weed Management, Colorado’s Plan
WHEREAS successful and cost‑effective weed management endeavors require an organized and coordinated effort among all affected landowners and industries; and WHEREAS the purpose of strategic plans is to provide a …
PLNR-93-4-State School Lands, Opposing Sale of
WHEREAS state school lands were originally set aside to provide revenue for public schools in rural areas; and WHEREAS such lands now support a substantial agriculture economy, and provide revenue …
PLNR-96-1-State Park Fees
WHEREAS the Colorado Department of Parks and Outdoor Recreation and the Colorado Division of Wildlife have been merged to create the department Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW); and WHEREAS there …
PLNR-95-2-State Ownership of Public Lands
WHEREAS several prominent congressional committee chairmen have been discussing legislation which would allow states to assume ownership of BLM lands within their states; and WHEREAS Under this proposal, states would …
PLNR-03-1-R.S. 2477, Rights-of-Way Over Public Lands
WHEREAS Congress, for the purpose of promoting the settlement of the western United States by establishment of highways, granted a right-of-way for the construction of highways over public lands, not …
PLNR-94-1-Public Lands and Watershed Collaboratives
WHEREAS groups of community and environmental leaders, State and Federal Agencies, and public and elected officials on the Western Slope have joined together to collectively and collaboratively study and discuss …
PLNR-16-2-Lynx Management Post-Reintroduction
WHEREAS the Canada lynx was listed as Threatened in the contiguous United States, including Colorado, by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service on March 24, 2000; and WHEREAS we have …
01-9-PL-3-Little Snake BLM – Vermillion Basin Plan Amendment
WHEREAS: The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) intends to post notice of intent in the Federal Register to prepare an Environmental Impact Statement to amend the Little Snake Resource Management …
PLNR-99-3-Land & Water Conservation Fund (LWCF)
WHEREAS In 1964, Congress created the Land and Water Conservation Fund to assure that all Americans have access to high quality recreation resources, to enhance the health and vitality of …
PLNR-06-1-Gunnison Sage Grouse Conservation
WHEREAS the Gunnison Sage Grouse’s current range extends across just two states (southwestern Colorado and southeastern Utah) and a handful of counties with viable populations (Gunnison, San Miguel, Montrose, Mesa, …
PLNR-11-1-Government Litigation Savings Act
WHEREAS the Equal Access to Justice Act (EAJA) was passed in 1980 and was intended to provide fair access to legal remedies for individuals, small businesses and non-profit organizations to …
PLNR-02-1-Forest County Partnership Restoration Program
WHEREAS The County-Forest Partnerships Project is a proposal for an innovative County-National Forest project for the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forests in Arizona, the Grand Mesa, Uncompahgre, and Gunnison National Forests in …
PLNR-04-3-Floating Access Across Private Property
WHEREAS Colorado’s river floating community contributes over $100 million annually to Colorado’s economy, primarily in rural areas, and demand for access to Colorado’s floatable streams continues to grow at an …
PLNR-96-5-Fish, Sport Fish Stocking Policies
WHEREAS the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service proposed to minimize the stocking of non‑native fishes (save trout) as part of the program to recover endangered fish species; and WHEREAS the …
PLNR-97-8-EPA Air Quality Regulations
WHEREAS the Environmental Protection Agency occasionally receives requests from special interest groups to change air quality standards; and WHEREAS federal land management plans include analyses of air quality; NOW, THEREFORE, …
PLNR-00-8-Endangered Species, State Efforts in Recovering
WHEREAS The State of Colorado has had a very successful program focusing primarily on keeping threatened species from being Federally listed under the Endangered Species Act; and WHEREAS The State …
PLNR-96-3-Compensation For Game Damage
WHEREAS Western Colorado land owners lose substantial amounts of habitat each year to wildlife, and the State program for reimbursing that loss is inadequate, and WHEREAS all citizens benefit from …
PLNR-07-1-Climate Change
WHEREAS global climate is changing and human factors appear to be influencing climate change; and WHEREAS observed changes in the environment suggest that these changes have the potential to adversely …
TE-18-1 – Rural Access to Telecommunications and Broadband Services
WHEREAS rural regions in Western Colorado continue to lag far behind the urban Front Range and much of the country when it comes to the availability, reliability, affordability, and quality of …
TE-05-1-Telecommunications Principles
Affordable, quality, widely- available access to advanced telecommunications services and broadband service is critical to the present and future viability of Colorado communities, businesses, and residents. The proper role …
TE-00-2-Right-Of-Way Fees and Timely Approval for the Placement and Relocation of Fiber Optic Cables and Other Utility Facilities
WHEREAS rural communities in Colorado have a need to access the nation’s advanced telecommunications network, and future telecommunications infrastructure development investments are being made, including the placement of fiber optic …
TE- 00- 4-Support for Interoperable Emergency Radios and a New Wireless Public Safety Broadband Network
WHEREAS public safety and homeland security are a priority for our communities, and WHEREAS having in place modern emergency radio systems, including DTR, VHF, and broadband, with direct interoperability to …
TE-00-1-Cell Phones, Prohibiting Limits on Use of
WHEREAS the vast distances between communities in western Colorado require the use of cell phones for business, personal, and emergency situations, acting as a critical communications tool, and WHEREAS local …
TO-21-1 Encouraging Investment in the Arts & Creative Industries in Western Colorado
WHEREAS in 2019, the arts, culture and creative industries accounted for $16.3 billion and 4.1% of Colorado’s economy, contributing over 108,000 jobs statewide; and WHEREAS Colorado’s Northwest and Southwest regions …
TO-19-1-Encouraging Investment in Western Colorado by the Film Industry
WHEREAS Western Colorado is one of the most attractive regions in the United States and provides scenery that is in high demand by the film industry; and WHEREAS in 2022, …
TO-18-2-Colorado Welcome Centers, Support of
WHEREAS Tourism is a major component of Colorado’s economy and Colorado Welcome Centers are an important introduction for visitors to the State of Colorado; and WHEREAS The important task of …
TO-09-1-Tourism Promotion Funding
WHEREAS tourism is a major component of Colorado’s economy, being one of the top job creators along with education, health services, transportation and construction, and WHEREAS nearly 87 million visitors …
TO-16-1-Support for the Colorado Outdoor Recreation Industry Office
WHEREAS Colorado has a diverse landscape with abundant outdoor recreational opportunities; and WHEREAS Governor Hickenlooper created the first Colorado Outdoor Recreation Industry Office in June 2015 to provide a central point of …
TO-00-1-Signage For Tourism On Western Colorado Highways
WHEREAS tourism is one of the largest industries in Western Colorado; and WHEREAS the majority of tourists travel by automobile using federal and state highways to visit Western Colorado attractions; …
TO-94-1-Scenic Byway Maps
WHEREAS Colorado’s Scenic Byway Program has celebrated its 25th anniversary WHEREAS Western Colorado is home to several officially designated national scenic byways; and WHEREAS CLUB 20 supports including federal funding …
TO-14-01-Recreational Trails Program RTP, Support Of
WHEREAS recreational trails are an important economic driver for Colorado and its West Slope economies by drawing visitors to their communities for tourism and recreation opportunities; and WHEREAS federal agencies …
TO-10-1-CDL Requirements for Passenger Vans
WHEREAS Colorado’s tourism industry is an important part of western Colorado’s economy, and is comprised primarily of small family-owned businesses, and WHEREAS many within this industry depend on the use …
TO – 19 – 1-Encouraging Investment In Western Colorado By The Film Industry
WHEREAS Western Colorado is one of the most attractive regions in the United States and provides scenery that is in high demand by the film industry; and WHEREAS in 1998, …
TR-23-3: Guiding Principle- Air Service on the Western Slope
WHEREAS the availability of abundant and affordable commercial air service throughout western Colorado is critical to the economy of our region for the transportation of freight and passengers, and WHEREAS …
TR-23-2: Guiding Principle- Passenger Transportation in Western Colorado
WHEREAS the viability and sustainability of the Western Slope of Colorado’s economy, quality of life, and tourism, are dependent upon having a safe, efficient, and reliable transportation system; and WHEREAS …
TR-23-1: Guiding Principle- Delivery of Freight to Western Colorado
WHEREAS affordable delivery systems are critical to the development and economic vitality of the Western Slope; and WHEREAS the lack of choice for delivery of goods and services throughout Colorado …
TR-22-2 Guiding Principle: Highway Maintenance and Improvement of West Slope Roads
WHEREAS Colorado’s highway system contributes to the economies of rural communities through the transportation of goods, services, industrial equipment, and people, and WHEREAS many highways on the Western Slope are …
TR-22-3 Guiding Principle: Transportation Funding
WHEREAS Club 20 was founded in 1953 to support needed transportation infrastructure on the Western Slope; and WHEREAS an efficient, high quality, convenient transportation infrastructure is key for economic recovery …
TR-22-1 Colorado Department of Transportation Planning and Representation
WHEREAS a statewide transportation infrastructure vision is important in addressing local, regional, and statewide priorities, and WHEREAS the current transportation planning system is bottom up, including local government jurisdictions in …
TR-14-01-Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS)
WHEREAS the use of unmanned aerial systems for civilian use is forecasted to become an emerging industry that will provide significant benefits for the residents of Colorado, as well as …
TR – 08 – 1-Tolling and Managed Lanes on Colorado Roadways
WHEREAS it is important to Colorado’s economy to support the construction andmaintenance of a statewide transportation system for the movement of people, goods and services; and WHEREAS it is necessary …
TR – 00 – 1-Highway Safety Improvements Associated With National Landmark Designations
WHEREAS the creation of national landmark designations such as the Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park and the Colorado National Monument increases tourism traffic on Western Colorado highways; and …
TR-02–1-Gross Combination Vehicle Weights
WHEREAS gross combination vehicle weights are restricted on Colorado state highways per Colorado Revised Statute; and WHEREAS increased gross combination vehicle weights in Wyoming and Utah are not limited by …
TR-14-3-Commercial Airline Pilot Training Hours
WHEREAS the Airline Safety and FAA Extension Act of 2010 became effective Aug. 1, 2013, increasing the number of hours from 250 to 1,500 as required for a person to …
TR-02-4-Colorado Aviation Fuel Tax Funding
WHEREAS annually, significant state aviation fuel tax funds are disbursed to public use airports throughout the state; and WHEREAS disbursements are made by the Colorado Department of Transportation’s Division of …
WA-24-1: Federal Water Rights, Creating Through Permit ProcessWA-24-1:
WWHEREAS the struggle in the West to preserve private property rights continues in the face of increasing federal control and management of federal lands and the resources interconnected with those lands; …
WA-19-2 Endangered Fish Recovery Programs
WHEREAS CLUB 20 continues to vigorously defend western Colorado water rights and the Colorado system of water law, and WHEREAS the Upper Colorado River and San Juan River Basin …
WA-02-1 Instream Flow Programs
WHEREAS in 1973 the Colorado Legislature passed landmark legislation to protect Colorado’s natural environment through a pioneer in-stream flow law; and WHEREAS since the inception of Colorado’s instream flow …
WA-20-1 Drought Contingency Planning and Demand Management Programs on the Colorado River
WHEREAS The US Congress authorized new, non-equalized storage space in Lake Powell to be used for operation of a potential Upper Colorado River Basin demand management program, and WHEREAS This …
WA-92-4 Adequate and Sustainable Funding for Water Project and Programs
WHEREAS It is important to protect and maintain reliable funding sources that are earmarked for development of future water projects and programs; and WHEREAS Basin roundtables and the Interbasin Compact …
WA-01-3Colorado Water Conservation Board, Opposition to Reconfiguring
WHEREAS Legislation has been considered from time to time that proposes to change the composition of the Colorado Water Conservation Board; and WHEREAS Legislation of this type increases the number …
WA-98-2-Water Projects, New
WHEREAS the construction of new projects is integral to providing adequate water supplies to future generation of Coloradoan’s; and WHEREAS Colorado is investigating how to provide adequate water supplies through …
WA – 00 – 1-Total Maximum Daily Load
WHEREAS the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has adopted a rule regarding the Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL); and WHEREAS Section 303(d) of the Clean Water Act and related federal regulations …
WA – 01 – 4 Control of Non-Native Woody Species in Riparian Environments, Support For
WHEREAS tamarisk is a deciduous shrub/small tree that was introduced to the western U.S. in the early nineteenth century from Central Asia and the Mediterranean for use as an ornamental, …
WA-14-1-Support For Water Conservation Efforts
WA-14-1 Support For Water Conservation Efforts WHEREAS Population projections for Colorado indicate that the present population will double by the year 2050 and the associated water demand will primarily be …
WA-00-3-Selenium Control Programs
WHEREAS selenium is a naturally-occurring geological material in western Colorado, and WHEREAS the United States Environmental Protection Agency and United States Fish & Wildlife Service have advocated for more stringent …
WA-10-3-San Miguel Project
WHEREAS Congress passed the Colorado River Basin Project Act in 1968 (CRBP), authorizing construction of five Colorado projects, including the San Miguel Project, and WHEREAS CLUB 20 continues to support …
WA-10-2-Reuse of Transmountain Diverted Waters and Other Reusable Water Supplies
WHEREAS CLUB 20 has several resolutions concerning transmountain diversion of Western Slope waters and the economic, aesthetic and environmental impacts associated with such diversions; and WHEREAS, in contrast to most …
WA-12-2-Prior Appropriations Doctrine, Support for
WHEREAS Colorado adopted the Prior Appropriation Doctrine before statehood as its guiding philosophy for allocation of scarce water resources to growing demands; and WHEREAS Colorado enshrined the Prior Appropriation Doctrine …
WA – 90 – 1-Out-of-Colorado River Basin Water Projects
WHEREAS proposals for new water diversions and transfers out of the Colorado River Basin continue to pose a serious threat to the environment, economy and quality of life in rural …
WA-00-5-Non-Point Source Pollution Control & Mitigation, Statewide Fund For
WHEREAS the Clean Water Act requires and the EPA has promulgated rules to address control and mitigation for non-point source pollution; and WHEREAS non-point source pollution affects many Western Colorado …
WA – 02 – 1-In-stream Flow Program
WHEREAS in 1973 the Colorado Legislature passed landmark legislation to protect Colorado’s natural environment through a pioneer in-stream flow law; and WHEREAS since the inception of Colorado’s instream flow …
WA– 00 – 4-Glen Canyon Dam, Opposing Removal of
WHEREAS Glen Canyon Dam and Lake Powell have allowed the seven Colorado River Basin states to share and cooperatively plan for the beneficial use of the waters of the Colorado …
WA-03-2-Funding Authority for Water Projects
WHEREAS the State Water Supply Initiative (SWSI) phases 1 and 2 have shown the need for additional water storage in order for Colorado to meet its 2050 water demands; and …
WA-92-1-Water Quality Regulations
WHEREAS the Clean Water Act requires and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has promulgated rules to address control and mitigation of non-point source pollution, and WHEREAS the EPA continues to …
WA – 98 – 3-Denver Basin Aquifer
WHEREAS Senate Bill 74, adopted in 1996, authorized the State Engineer to conduct a thorough,/ peer‑reviewed, scientific study identifying a 300 million acre‑foot groundwater supply in the Denver Basin Aquifers, …
WA – 01 – 3-Colorado Water Conservation Board, Opposition to Reconfiguring
WHEREAS Legislation has been considered from time to time that proposes to change the composition of the Colorado Water Conservation Board; and WHEREAS Legislation of this type increases the number …
WA – 93 – 2-County 1041 Powers, Water Projects
WHEREAS ‘1041’ authority: C.R.S. 24-65.1-101 et seq. of the Colorado Statutes, allow counties to identify, designate, and regulate areas and activities of state interest through a local land use permitting process, and …
WA-14-2-Colorado Water Plans
WHEREAS Colorado adopted an important and well-received statewide Water Plan in 2015 and most recently updated its Water Plan in 2023 along with periodic technical updates; and WHEREAS the original …
WA-11-1-Colorado River Cooperative Agreement
WHEREAS competing perspectives between Denver Water and Western Colorado regarding Denver Water’s use of Colorado River water are long and storied; and WHEREAS Western Colorado parties have engaged in negotiations …
WA – 96 – 1-Colorado River Compacts
WHEREAS There has been much discussion in recent years about the future of water development in the West; and WHEREAS Several proposals have been controversial because of their potential impact …
WA – 03 – 1-Colorado 64 Water Principles
WHEREAS Club 20 leaders participated with sister organizations – ACTION 22 and PROGRESSIVE 15 – and several Denver Metro entities (including the Denver Water Board, Denver Chamber of Commerce, and …
WA – 95 – 1-Clean Water Act Re-Authorization
WHEREAS The 1969 Clean Water Act has resulted in the substantial improvement of water quality and overall, the health of many of our nation’s rivers; and WHEREAS The Clean Water …
WA-02-2-Aspinall Unit Operations
WHEREAS in January of 1962, the United States acquired water rights decreed in the Colorado Water Court for water storage and hydro-electric power generation at the Aspinall Unit from the …