WHEREAS CLUB 20 counties are the proud host of some of Colorado’s leading institutions of higher education including: Colorado Mesa University, Western State Colorado University, Fort Lewis College, Colorado Mountain College, Colorado Northwestern Community College and Western Colorado Community College; and
WHEREAS each of the aforementioned institutions of higher learning provide access to relevant, quality programs that enhance the level of educational attainment throughout our region; and
WHEREAS higher education funding from the State of Colorado continues to decline as other budget priorities are advanced by elected officials; and
WHEREAS the current methodology for distribution of financial aid dollars from the State of Colorado does not advance state priorities nor does it recognize enrollment growth at institutions throughout the state; and
WHEREAS the current complex distribution method of scarce public financial aid dollars includes the distribution to private, for-profit institutions of higher education; and
WHEREAS state financial aid resources are currently being used to support students pursuing graduate degrees;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that CLUB 20 urges the Colorado General Assembly through the Colorado Commission on Higher Education (CCHE) to modify the manner in which financial aid dollars are allocated across institutions throughout the state in order to account for enrollment growth, to advance statewide priorities and to ensure that undergraduate students attending public institutions of higher education in Colorado are given priority when allocating financial aid dollars each year.
Adopted 9/9/2011
Amended 4/1/2016