Guiding Principles: Climate/ Greenhouse Gas WHEREAS Energy, climate, and economic systems are complex, changeable and interrelated, and human flourishing depends on a functional balance of the three, and WHEREAS All …
EN-24-2: Guiding Principal: Regulations Concerning the Energy Industry
WHEREAS the energy sector employs more than 7.8 million Americans in many fields, including but not limited to; electric power generation, transmission, distribution and storage, energy efficiency and fuels, and …
EN-23-1: Guiding Principles: Energy Financials
WHEREAS Western Colorado’s energy industries thrive best under stable, predictable tax regimes, carefully balancing market-forces and incentives; and WHEREAS changes in tax and incentive policies have impacts on energy development, …
EN-11-1-Western Slope Mineral Energy Resources, Support of
WHEREAS the Western Slope is blessed with abundant mineral energy resources; and WHEREAS the responsible development and use of mineral energy resources, including coal, uranium, natural gas, and oil, is …
EN-08-1-Rules Concerning The Development of Colorado’s Oil & Gas Reserves
WHEREAS Colorado has large reserves of oil and natural gas and the development of these reserves is not only an important economic opportunity for our state, but also an important …
EN-03-2-Roan Plateau Management
WHEREAS the Roan Plateau has long been recognized for its mineral resources, with 56,000 acres set aside as the former Naval Oil Shale Reserve (NOSR), and the Roan Plateau Planning …
EN-03-1-Renewable Energy Resources In Western Colorado Development Of
WHEREAS cost competitive renewable energy technologies and applications are emerging in the marketplace, and WHEREAS the National Renewable Energy Laboratory found that Colorado is in the top 12 for wind …
EN-13-01-Renewable Energy and Efficiency
WHEREAS Colorado has one of the highest renewable energy standards in the United States, which has helped renewable energy resources, such as wind and solar, become a measurable portion of …
EN-02-2-Reclamation Of Mined Lands “Good Samaritan” Legislation
WHEREAS thousands of abandoned or inactive mines exist in Colorado and elsewhere in the United States; and WHEREAS abandoned mines can be a source of mine drainage that contributes heavy …
EN-05-2-Oil Shale, Development and Implementation of a National Strategy
WHEREAS the U.S. Department of Energy estimates that as much as 1 trillion barrels of recoverable oil may exist within the oil shale deposits of the Green River Formation in …
EN-05-4-Oil & Gas Drilling on Split-Estate Properties
WHEREAS both the agriculture and energy industries are important economic drivers in Western Colorado, and WHEREAS it is important to balance the right of oil and gas owners to access …
EN-01-1-National Energy Policy, Support For
WHEREAS the energy policies of the past are still not working. Our nation continues its dependence on foreign energy and we need to develop a plan that ensures the nation …
EN-05-1-Mineral Leasing Royalties on Naval Oil Shale Reserve Lands, Increasing Local Governments’ Share
WHEREAS both federal and state mineral leasing distribution laws set forth a priority for distribution of these funds to local governments socially or economically impacted by development of the mineral …
EN-09-3-Hydraulic Fracturing, Supporting Exemption for in the Safe Water Drinking Act
WHEREAS the practice of hydraulic fracturing is an important technology for the efficient development of natural gas reserves in much of Western Colorado’s tight sands and Southern Colorado’s coalbed geology …
EN-14-02-Hydraulic Fracturing Policy
WHEREAS Hydraulic fracturing has been conducted over a million times in the United States, is proven and is not a new technology. Hydraulic fracturing has also been used to stimulate …
EN-10-2-Ethanol, Support for
WHEREAS the ethanol industry in the United States currently blends up to 10 percent (E10) ethanol in gasoline tanks, and WHEREAS ethanol is a clean-burning fuel that naturally adds oxygen …
EN-10-3-Colorado’s Coal Industry, Support for
WHEREAS coal is an abundant energy mineral resource in Western Colorado, and WHEREAS Colorado’s coal is in high demand nationally because it has a high Btu and low mercury and …
EN-14-01-CO-2 Standards for Existing Coal Fired Power Plants Under the Clean Air Act Section 111(d)
WHEREAS the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) plans to use Section 111(d) of the Clean Air Act to propose, by June 1, 2014, “guidelines” for state plans to set standards of …
EN-09-2-Carbon Legislation and Rulemaking, Opposition of
WHEREAS any “Carbon Tax” legislation or regulatory measures (including “Cap and Trade” or the “Clean Power Plan” promulgated pursuant to section 111 (d) of the Clean Air Act or other …