EN-05-4-Oil & Gas Drilling on Split-Estate Properties

WHEREAS both the agriculture and energy industries are important economic drivers in Western Colorado, and

WHEREAS it is important to balance the right of oil and gas owners to access their oil and gas interests with the right of surface owners to maintain their privacy and utilize their property, and

WHEREAS both surface and oil and gas owners should have the unimpeded right to negotiate agreeable terms of access;


  • Supports the role of the Colorado Oil & Gas Commission (COGCC) to provide statewide regulatory oversight in ensuring access to oil and gas interests while protecting human health, safety and welfare and ensuring appropriate environmental protections.
  • Supports timely and fair compensation under the free-market system to landowners for property losses resulting from oil and gas operations.
  • Will work to support legislation and/or administrative procedures that will protect the interests of both surface and oil and gas estate owners, strongly encourage that Surface Use Agreements be in place before drilling begins, and adequately compensate landowners for the damage done to their property and its productivity.
  • Encourages oil and gas developers to maintain an ongoing proactive dialogue with members of the affected community to keep them apprised of current and future plans, and provide the local citizenry immediate avenues to air their questions and concerns.


Adopted 9/9/ 2005

Renewed 4/1/2011

Renewed 4/1/2016


Resolution in PDF Format