WHEREAS tourism is one of the largest industries in Western Colorado; and
WHEREAS the majority of tourists travel by automobile using federal and state highways to visit Western Colorado attractions; and
WHEREAS directional signage on Western Colorado highways is critical to allow the visiting public to have a positive experience and to help them find their destinations quickly; and
WHEREAS the U.S. Department of Transportation and the Colorado Department of Transportation are very regimented, inconsistent and restrictive on allowing directional signage for the benefit of the traveling public, and
WHEREAS these regimented, inconsistent and restrictive rules regarding directional signage serves to disadvantaged communities with low populations and extreme distances from major highways;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that CLUB 20 supports efforts to seek more local input into the placement of directional signs along Western Colorado’s highways and interstate highways, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that CLUB 20 supports modifications to the U. S. Department of Transportation and Colorado Department of Transportation directional signage rules that take into consideration the low population densities of and extreme distances to many Western Colorado communities, in an effort to better serve these communities’ signage needs.
Adopted 9/8/2000
Amended 9/7/2007
Renewed 9/7/2012
Amended 9/5/2014
Renewed 4/12/2019