WHEREAS It is important to protect and maintain reliable funding sources that are earmarked for development of future water projects and programs; and
WHEREAS Basin roundtables and the Interbasin Compact Committee rely on DNR revenues from severance taxes; and
WHEREAS Such funds are increasingly under pressure because of the State’s budget problems and the inherent variability of severance tax revenues,
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that CLUB 20 supports Colorado establishing adequate stable funding to support and maintain water projects and programs throughout Colorado and opposes efforts to divert to other purposes existing water conservation trust funds that have been legislatively designated for water projects and programs; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Club 20 calls on the state to pursue diversified revenue sources to for water project and program assistance.
Incorporates the following resolutions:
- WA-03-2, Funding Authority for Water Projects
- WA-92-1, Water Quality Regulations
Adopted 2/14/1992
Renewed 4/3/2009
Renewed 3/28/2014
Amended 4/12/2019
To View Resolution in PDF Format Click HERE