WA– 00 – 4-Glen Canyon Dam, Opposing Removal of

WHEREAS Glen Canyon Dam and Lake Powell have allowed the seven Colorado River Basin states to share and cooperatively plan for the beneficial use of the waters of the Colorado River for the citizens of the respective states; and

WHEREAS Lake Powell provides 40% of the water storage capability in the Colorado River system for the citizens of the seven states and the Republic of Mexico; and

WHEREAS Glen Canyon Dam and Lake Powell provide electricity for more than a million households in the Lower Basin states; and

WHEREAS More than three million people visit Glen Canyon Dam and Lake Powell annually and enjoy the lake’s recreational amenities and the world‑renowned trout fishery below the Glen Canyon Dam; and

WHEREAS Lake Powell is the upper basin’s principal and primary insurance policy in the event of a Colorado River Compact call which is increasingly likely as growth and attendant water development occur throughout the basin; and

WHEREAS The construction of Glen Canyon Dam has caused the emergence of a rich riparian habitat below the Dam through the Grand Canyon that did not previously exist; and

WHEREAS In addition to Glen Canyon Dam and Lake Powell, other integral elements of the Colorado River Storage Project (CRSP) on upstream tributaries include the Flaming Gorge Dam and Reservoir on the Green River and the Aspinall Unit on the Gunnison River, which provides significant benefits to the region.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that CLUB 20 recognizes and values the water, power, recreation and environmental benefits resulting from Glen Canyon Dam and other components of the Colorado River Storage Project Act and the ongoing benefits to the citizens of the region that result from the existence of the project.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that CLUB 20 opposes any effort to breach or remove the Glen Canyon Dam or otherwise limit the full storage and release capabilities of Glen Canyon Dam or any other component of the Colorado River Storage Project Act.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that CLUB 20 urges the members of the Colorado Congressional Delegation and other members of Congress and the Administration to oppose any effort to breach or limit the full function of Glen Canyon Dam or any other component of the Colorado River Storage Project Act.

Adopted 9/08/2000

Amended 9/5/2014


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