BA-15-3-Using Private-Public Partnerships to Help Address Infrastructure Needs

WHEREAS government at all levels – federal, state and local – face financial challenges to construct and maintain a wide range of infrastructural needs, and


WHEREAS many Colorado communities face budgetary limitations, delayed projects, deferred maintenance, repair and replacement projects and population growth to address present and future public needs, and


WHEREAS private-public partnerships (P3s), contractual agreements between private sector entities and public agencies, are being entertained with more frequency as an option to deliver services and provide facilities for private and public use, and


WHEREAS P3s can reduce development risks, provide more cost-effective and timelier infrastructure delivery, offer the potential for better ongoing maintenance and leverage limited public sector resources, all while maintaining the appropriate level of control of the project, and


WHEREAS P3s can address public needs, including the areas of economic development, facilities, real estate development, energy, information technologies, transportation, education, health care, water/wastewater, and apply to work force housing, and


WHEREAS P3s can provide products and services at comparable or lower costs than those associated with public financing while also delivering equal or greater value to the public, and


WHEREAS analysis of P3s can expose the potential benefits and drawbacks of various delivery options and providing the difference between being able to complete a project and leaving needs unmet.


NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Club 20 strongly supports the use of P3s when and where a greater public good can be achieved, and


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED   that Club 20 strongly encourages private sector entities and local and state public agencies identify potential P3 opportunities and conduct the appropriate analyses to determine if any of the options can best achieve the desired outcome of cost-effectiveness and efficiency and meet the public’s product and service quality expectations, and


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Club 20 believes that local and state public agencies should give P3 solutions primary consideration, especially where the private sector has already made significant investment to address infrastructure and citizen needs.


Adopted 9/11/2015

Motion to Amend 6/27/2017

Amended 5/29/2020


Resolution in PDF Format