BA – 06 – 3-Planning Colorado’s Future

WHEREAS  Colorado has no long-range comprehensive vision of what we want our state to become, and in the absence of such a long-range vision for our state, Colorado’s public policy will be guided by short-term decision-making that is influenced primarily by elected term limits, partisan politics, and narrow agendas, and

WHEREAS  Colorado is home to some of the brightest minds and most respected leadership institutions in the world;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED  that CLUB 20 supports a coordinated effort to build a brighter future for our state by:

  • Establishing broadly-accepted benchmarks to assess the state’s economic, social and environmental health relative to our past, our future objectives, and other peer states.
  • Engaging civic leaders statewide in an ongoing non-partisan effort to develop a long-term vision for Colorado.
  • Encouraging and rewarding public policy decisions that are consistent with the long-term vision for the state.
  • Promoting an environment of civility and respect, both within the public policy arena and amongst the general citizenry, in order to encourage cooperative efforts to achieve mutual objectives.


Adopted 9/8/06


Resolution in PDF Format