Support For Water Conservation Efforts
WHEREAS Population projections for Colorado indicate that the present population will double by the year 2050 and the associated water demand will primarily be met from: (1) conservation and reuse of existing supplies; (2) dry-up of agricultural land in order to move water to cities; and (3) new trans-mountain diversions (TMD); and
WHEREAS Water conservation is an important and integral component of meeting the future municipal water demands throughout Colorado and is being addressed by the IBCC, Colorado’s Water Plan, Roundtable Basin Implementation Plans, and the State Legislature; and
WHEREAS Municipal water usage is currently approximately 50% inside and 50% outside statewide. Of the 50% used inside, 95% is returned to the system through wastewater plants. Of the 50% used outside, only 20% to 30% is returned to the stream system from return flow through groundwater; and
WHEREAS The State Legislature passed SB103 in 2014 that restricts the types of indoor water fixtures that may be sold in Colorado with the intent to reduce indoor usage; and
WHEREAS Municipal water providers throughout Colorado have implemented water conservation measures since 2000 that have reduced water usage; and
WHEREAS The Southern Nevada Water Authority (that serves Las Vegas, NV) and others have effectively implemented measures to reduce outdoor water usage through the buy-back of live lawns and the limitation of the amount of live lawns in new developments;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Club 20 endorses the efforts by municipal water providers throughout Colorado to reduce municipal water usage and supports continued efforts to reduce water usage and more efficiently utilize existing supplies, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Club 20 recommends that municipal water providers develop specific provisions to reduce turf grass water usage in a manner that best applies to their system and users, including consideration of limiting the size of lawns for new developments, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Club 20 supports the development of water conservation goals and measurable outcomes for the state, regions, and for individual water providers, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Club 20 advocates for complete and efficient use of existing water supplies by Front Range water interests, including construction of additional storage capacity for native Front Range water resources, before additional TMDs are considered, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Club 20 supports development of higher conservation goals for water providers that utilize permanent dry-up of agricultural land or a new or expanded TMD for any part of their water supply. and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Club 20 favors the use of incentive and reward programs to achieve conservation goals, but Club 20 recognizes that local and/or state governmental regulations may be necessary.
Adopted 9/5/2014
Amended 9/18/2020
*Replaces WA 01-1 and WA 01-2