WHEREAS higher education, energy, agribusiness, tourism, and many other industries are large employers contributing significant economic investment in the Western Slope; and
WHEREAS the success of a diverse economy relies upon the stability of all business owners and employees, which includes having access to housing affordable to a variety of income levels; and
WHEREAS over 40% of Western Slope renters are unable to reasonably afford a two-bedroom market-rate apartment; and
WHEREAS the Western Slope is experiencing housing market difficulties, similar to the rest of the nation, including increased foreclosures, instability in housing prices, access to credit, and tightening of the rental market; and
WHEREAS CLUB 20 recognizes the positive contribution that a healthy housing and building industry has on the local economy;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that CLUB 20 supports efforts to preserve and develop housing within the diverse financial means of our workforce.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that CLUB 20 endorses its members’ efforts to work in conjunction with housing partners throughout the state, local housing authorities, and others to support the availability of a balanced housing stock and to increase the community’s awareness about the importance of having diverse housing options upon western Colorado’s economic vitality.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that CLUB 20 endorses its members’ efforts to expand local governments’ resources, as available, through a partnership with business and housing interests, to maintain and enhance an environment for the production and preservation of a balanced housing stock as an essential component of long-term community sustainability.
Adopted March 8, 2002
Amended April 1, 2011