WHEREAS the viability and sustainability of the Western Slope of Colorado’s economy, quality of life, and tourism, are dependent upon having a safe, efficient, and reliable transportation system; and
WHEREAS Club 20 understands that the comprehensive statewide vision must recognize the vital relationship between the transportation system (air, rail, highway & transit), the efficient movement of people, goods, and services (intra- and inter-regional), and Colorado’s economic stability.
WHEREAS Maintenance, preservation, and improvement of existing transportation infrastructure is critical to protecting public safety, promoting mobility and wise stewardship of public investments, and
WHEREAS dependable and reliable passenger transportation by all modes to Western Colorado is essential to quality of life and supports a number of industries; these modes of transportation include, but are not limited to:
- Amtrak/Passenger Rail Services
- Bustang/Bustang Outrider and other Bus Services
- Passenger Air Service
WHEREAS Club 20 recognizes the benefits that passenger rail services, including Amtrak, provide to communities in Western Colorado; and
WHEREAS Western Colorado’s railroad corridors are critical to the movement of passengers throughout the state and to decreasing the rural and urban divide
WHEREAS Denver International Airport (DEN), and other Colorado commercial service airports, have established themselves as world leaders in facilitating air transportation for business, leisure, and air cargo;
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Club 20 supports:
- The pursuit of multi-modal transportation solutions that provide access across the state and expand mobility options for people of all ages, incomes, and abilities, while preserving the quality of life in our communities.
- Safe and accessible routes for cyclists and pedestrians.
- The continued operation and expansion of passenger rail services in Western Colorado.
- Efforts to secure, maintain, and expand air service in an effort to reduce congestion of other modes of passenger transportation throughout Colorado.
Adopted on 4/13/2023
*Incorporates the following resolutions:
- TR-90-1: Amtrak Passenger Service in Western Colorado
- TR-99-1: Tennessee Pass Railroad Corridor
- TR-00-2: International Air Service Market Expansion in Colorado
- TR-05-4: Colorado Transportation Guiding Principles