WA-10-2-Reuse of Transmountain Diverted Waters and Other Reusable Water Supplies

WHEREAS CLUB 20 has several resolutions concerning transmountain diversion of Western Slope waters and the economic, aesthetic and environmental impacts associated with such diversions; and

WHEREAS, in contrast to most tributary water diversions, waters that are imported to a basin or pumped from non-tributary aquifers are generally fully-reusable to extinction; and

WHEREAS several Front Range transmountain diverters and Denver Basin Aquifer pumpers are currently evaluating reuse of existing legally-reusable water supplies; and

WHEREAS as one of those water districts evaluating water reuse, the Southeastern Water Conservancy District continues working on the “Preferred Storage Option Plan” which includes a more efficient use of existing transmountain water supplies for greater yield, as well as an exploration of future expansion of both Pueblo and Turquoise Reservoirs; and

WHEREAS several Front Range municipalities are investing in innovative and advanced reuse treatment programs to more fully and efficiently use existing water supplies, and

WHEREAS the US Bureau of Reclamation has a grant program, “Title XVI,” to assist water entities financially with water reuse infrastructure;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that CLUB 20 endorses the efforts by Front Range water entities to more efficiently and completely use the water supplies currently diverted to them, including recent investments and plans to more fully reuse existing transmountain water diversions.

Adopted 4/9/2010

Renewed 3/27/2015


Resolution in PDF Format