WA-92-1-Water Quality Regulations

WHEREAS the Clean Water Act requires and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has promulgated rules to address control and mitigation of non-point source pollution, and

WHEREAS the EPA continues to propose new and more stringent regulations on water quality, including domestic drinking water, that are restrictive, costly, and in some cases seemingly based on an ability to measure smaller and smaller concentrations, and not on human or environmental health and safety, and 

WHEREAS such regulations may not be based upon scientific evidence of health problems, and many water supplies may already be reasonably safe and healthy, and

WHEREAS the cost of implementing such regulations is increasingly expensive, especially to rural communities, and

WHEREAS there have many times been inadequate cost-benefit analyses of the proposed regulations,

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that CLUB 20 opposes promulgation and enforcement of new water quality regulations by the Colorado Department of Public Health and the Environment and the Environmental Protection Agency without adequate peer-reviewed science verifying that the regulations are both required and efficacious, or without complete cost-benefit analysis, and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Club 20 insists adequate funding accompany any new or stricter water quality regulations.

Incorporates the following resolutions:

  • WA-00-1, Total Maximum Daily Load
  • WA-00-5, Non-Point Source Pollution Control & Mitigation, Statewide Fund for

Adopted 9/10/1992

Amended 4/1/2011

Amended 9/9/2016

Amended 4/12/2019