HC-09-1-Health Information Technology

WHEREAS broad use of health information technology will:

  • Improve health care quality,
  • Prevent medical errors,
  • Reduce health care costs,
  • Increase administrative efficiencies,
  • Decrease paperwork, and
  • Expand access to affordable care,

WHEREAS shared health information is a critical tool for improving the overall performance of the health care system through:

  • Increased efficiency in operations such as eliminating duplicate tests,
  • Reduction of preventable errors,
  • Improved chronic disease management, and
  • Prevention of chronic illness,

WHEREAS interoperable health information technology will improve individual patient care and also bring many public health benefits including:

  • Early detection of infectious disease outbreaks, and
  • Improved tracking of chronic disease management;


  • Supports the implementation of electronic health information exchange throughout the Western Slope and full interoperability between EMRS in Western Slope communities and beyond, including access to broadband for patients and providers.
  • Believes that the health care community should work together to achieve new efficiencies through the use of health information technology in order to deliver better overall value and care to our citizens.

Adopted 4/3/2009

Renewed 3/28/2014

Amended 9/10/2021

Resolution in PDF Format