Club 20 is extremely grateful for the willingness of all presenters who took time out of their day to meet with members. Views that are highlighted from speakers are provided as an overview of what was stated during their time with participating Club 20 members. Highlighted comments from speakers do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of Club 20.
Please see Club 20's Policy Center for the organization's policy positions.
"The meetings with agencies and appointed leaders is why I go. Meeting with agency heads, directly, is a great way to get immediate results on issues that affect our county
both socially and economically."

Congressman Tipton wasn't able to join us at Club 20's Annual Awards Banquet during Spring Conference, so Executive Director Christian Reece surprised him by presenting him with the Dan Noble Award for outstanding public service as an elected official. Tipton has served Western Colorado as a member of Congress since 2010 and has been a great partner of Club 20 through these years. Tipton was selected by the Club 20 nominating committee which meets annually to identify top Club 20 leaders to honor at the Annual Awards Banquet.
"It was very beneficial to make a trip to DC and meet with so many different agencies and people. Almost all of the meetings pertained to my work and was helpful."

Wednesday, May 22nd: Legislative Visits & Updates

With US Congressman & House Minority Whip Steve Scalise
- Congressman Scalise praised the outcome of the Right to Try Act which resulted from strong bipartisan support, work done closely with the administration, and laser-focused attention on what would best serve the American people.
- The work underway with USMCA will be a big win for a lot of our businesses. Its passage will be a tremendous victory, and the undergoing efforts have been very bipartisan. Ongoing trade issues with China make USMCA even more vital.
- Congressman Scalise addressed a question about the issue of rare earth minerals as it relates to trade, "if China is the only country making batteries, we need to open up R & D to do more of that here. Huawei is essentially an arm of the Chinese government. We need US companies to join the competition. It will be better for our data security to be competitive."
- When asked how Club 20 might help to unify both political parties on vital issues, Congressman Scalise responded, "Make a bi-partisan approach to the issues, because it should be. For example, I'm not for the Green Deal, but I am for solar technology." Continue to dial down the issues with specificity on what matters to you and your fellow Americans.
Thursday, May 23rd: Federal Agency Visits & Updates

With Secretary Bernhardt at the US Department of the Interior
- During my transition to this position, I reviewed the administration's speeches regarding rural America, the multi-use mission, and conservation, and then drew up a two year plan which was received favorably.
- Despite the adversity with regard to confirmed appointees, executive orders followed by secretarial orders without leadership in place, we're six months ahead of where I thought we would be in our two year plan.
- Major regulatory plans are coming out in June. It is estimated that analysis on whether BLM headquarters will be moved to CO will be finalized mid June. Consideration includes questioning where BLM jobs would best be accomplished.

"What power there is in our service when our actions line up with our mission, skills, and joy."

General Sponsors
Grand Valley Water Users Association
Mountain Coal Company, LLC
Twenty Mile Coal/Peabody Energy
Enstrom Candies
Mountain Coal Company, LLC
Twenty Mile Coal/Peabody Energy
Enstrom Candies
White House Tour Sponsors
Colorado Mining Association
Rocky Mountain Health Plans
Rocky Mountain Health Plans
Briefing Book Sponsors
Steve and Cindy Dozier
Xcel Energy
Xcel Energy