HC-11-1-End-of-Life Care

WHEREAS the people of the communities in Western Colorado believe that quality of life is important for persons of all ages; and

WHEREAS education is an important component of decisions concerning health and health care; and

WHEREAS health care decisions, including end-of-life care, should be made by the individual patient and family, with the support of physicians, nurses, and other appropriate health care providers; and

WHEREAS CLUB 20 supports improved quality and access to appropriate end-of-life care; and

WHEREAS end of life care plans should encourage ethical and culturally appropriate care; and

WHEREAS health care coverage plans should include palliative and hospice care, when appropriate;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that CLUB 20 supports better education and communication concerning end-of-life issues, including hospice and palliative care options, to improve care and reduce suffering, including appropriate support for physicians and nurses to provide information to patients concerning end-of-life directives, medical powers of attorney, and hospice and palliative care options to patients before they are faced with terminal or serious life-threatening illnesses.

Adopted 4/1/2011

Renewed 4/1/2016

Renewed 9/10/2021

Resolution in PDF Format