WA-10-3-San Miguel Project

WHEREAS Congress passed the Colorado River Basin Project Act in 1968 (CRBP), authorizing construction of five Colorado projects, including the San Miguel Project, and

WHEREAS CLUB 20 continues to support the Colorado River Basin Project Act, with the San Miguel Project as one of its features, and

WHEREAS three of the five projects have now been constructed – Dallas Creek, Dolores, and Animas-LaPlata, and

WHEREAS due to the accounting methodology used to allocate revenues from CRBP power production, funds are accumulating in the Colorado “account” of the Upper Basin Fund much faster than funds are being expended for the three completed CRBP projects, and

WHEREAS the San Miguel River Basin has not received any of the benefits that were contemplated when the CRBP was passed in 1968, and the basin is in need of additional water storage to meet existing and future water demands;


  • CLUB 20 reaffirms its support of the water users in the San Miguel River basin who are entitled to receive benefits from the authorization of the San Miguel Project in the form of revenues from the CRBP Upper Basin Fund to meet the water supply needs and specifically to provide storage, and
  • CLUB 20 urges the Congress of the United States to amend the Colorado River Basin Project Act to allow Colorado to use its entitled share of revenues from the Upper Basin Fund to assist the San Miguel River basin to construct facilities to meet their future water needs.

Adopted 4/9/2010

Renewed 3/27/2015


Resolution in PDF Format