Club 20 has 9 different policy committees with two co-chairs for each committee. The Education sub-committee is currently facilitated by the Business Affairs & Workforce Development committee. The co-chairs are intended to be subject matter experts and are tasked with keeping their ear to the ground to keep Club 20 staff, leadership, and members informed on the issues impacting Western Colorado. They are also responsible for forming the agenda, inviting speakers, etc. for their Winter and Summer committee meetings. Typically, co-chairs will ask for topic suggestions for the next meeting during the conclusion of their current meeting.
Example: At the Winter Transportation Committee meeting in Grand Junction in February 2017, co-chair Terri Binder asked the group for topic suggestions for the Summer Transportation Committee meeting to be held on July 14, 2017.
If for some reason a co-chair does not ask for topic suggestions, any Club 20 member can visit with that co-chair after the meeting to suggest a topic. Club 20 members can reach out to committee co-chairs and/or Club 20 staff at any time to recommend/suggest a topic for inclusion and we will do our best to include that topic on the upcoming agenda. It is important to note that committee co-chairs begin working on their agenda a month or more in advance of the meeting and often have their agendas finalized at least two weeks before the meeting.
A full listing of Club 20 Policy Committees can be found here.
Members can contact staff at (970) 242-3264 to learn more about Club 20 Policy Committee co-chairs.
We hope this article has been informative and helps members to better understand the process of developing committee agendas. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask!