EN-14-01-CO-2 Standards for Existing Coal Fired Power Plants Under the Clean Air Act Section 111(d)

WHEREAS the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) plans to use Section 111(d) of the Clean Air Act to propose, by June 1, 2014, “guidelines” for state plans to set standards of performance for greenhouse gas emissions from existing coal-powered plants; and

 WHEREAS reliable and affordable electric power requires coal in the future and in Colorado 66 percent of the electricity generated is produced from coal, 20 percent from natural gas, and 14 percent from renewable energy resources; and

 WHEREAS Western Colorado has large deposits of the cleanest coal in the nation and abundant supplies of clean natural gas and uranium that provide millions of Americans with reliable affordable electricity; and

WHEREAS CLUB 20 supports the robust coal industry on the Western Slope of Colorado including using the most cost-effective, efficient and environmentally friendly technology available; and

WHEREAS EPA’s actions could eliminate carbon-based fuels as a source of affordable electricity for businesses and consumers; and

 WHEREAS carbon capture and sequestration is not adequately demonstrated and carries enormous costs and high station service loads and

WHEREAS Club 20 does not support unfunded mandates that strangle free enterprise and cripple local economies; and

WHEREAS Club 20 believes there should be a balance between a regulatory framework for the common good and encouragement for business development and job creation; and

WHEREAS all federal, state and local agencies must consider the economic, social and environmental consequences of the C0-2 proposed regulations,


  • CLUB 20 opposes CO-2 standards being implemented without an economic impact study being completed first.
  • The EPA must not close off investments in coal or cause premature closures of existing coal-fired facilities, which could strand investments; and
  • Requirements to comply with EPA’s guidelines must be achievable and financially feasible with technology that is adequately demonstrated and economically viable and that the EPA must minimize negative economic impacts of any proposal; and


CLUB 20 supports solutions which;

  • Result in increasing our nation’s independence from foreign energy sources,
  • Balances the protection of the interests of the industry, free enterprise, and the consumer,
  • Encourage local investment’s that result in a net increase in domestic jobs that will support our local economies,


Adopted 03/28/2014


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