TR-02–1-Gross Combination Vehicle Weights

WHEREAS increased gross combination vehicle weights are restricted on the Colorado state highway system; and

WHEREAS increased gross combination vehicle weights in Wyoming and Utah are not limited by the same restrictions; and

WHEREAS this difference in regulations gives a competitive advantage to those states; and

WHEREAS the General Assembly with the support of the Colorado Department of Transportation can change state law to allow increased gross combination vehicle weights on state highways; and

WHEREAS gross combination vehicle weight regulations were put in place for improved safety and highway maintenance purposes;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that CLUB 20 encourages the Colorado General Assembly, with the support of the Colorado Department of Transportation, to review Colorado’s regulations as they relate to increased vehicle weight ratings and modify such regulations as necessary in order to make them compatible with corresponding regulations from Wyoming and Utah, and considering road conditions in Colorado, in order to eliminate any current competitive disadvantage for Colorado.


Adopted 3/8/2002

Renew 9/11/2009

Amended 9/9/2016


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