TR-02-4-Colorado Aviation Fuel Tax Funding

WHEREAS annually, significant state aviation fuel tax funds are disbursed to public use airports throughout the state; and

WHEREAS disbursements are made by the Colorado Department of Transportation’s Division of Aeronautics based on the formula of $.04 per gallon on aviation gasoline and jet fuel and 65% of the sales taxes collected on jet fuel used for commercial operations; and

WHEREAS moneys are disbursed monthly and are based on reporting from the airports and verification by the Colorado Department of Revenue of aviation fuel taxes received into the Aviation Fund; and

WHEREAS Club 20 believes that the current distribution formulas for the aviation fuel tax are fair to rural Colorado and the Western Slope, and highly beneficial to the region’s commercial service and general aviation airports;


  • Supports the current state aviation fuel tax funding structure,
  • Supports the distribution formula which provides funding for all public use airports and opposes any effort by the Colorado General Assembly to amend the current aviation fuel tax/fee structure or distribution formula in any way which would reduce funding for Western Slope airports, and
  • Supports the Division of Aeronautics’ Discretionary Aviation Grant Program; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Club 20 believes all aviation fuel tax and fee revenues shall be used exclusively for aviation purposes as provided by Colorado Revised Statutes and the Constitution of Colorado.

Adopted March 8, 2002

Amended September 11, 2009

Amended April 9, 2010

Amended September 7, 2012

Amended September 8, 2017

Amended September 10, 2021 

Resolution in PDF Format