AG – 06 – 8-WEIGHT Restrictions Over The Road Exempting Livestock From

WHEREAS agriculture in all its forms continues to epitomize the great state of Colorado; and

WHEREAS the livestock industry remains one of the most important parts of Agriculture; and

WHEREAS the diverse economy, growing and expanding population, and changing face of Colorado is impacting the livestock industries ability to move its livestock and feed; and

WHEREAS trucking remains the only viable method to move livestock to and from seasonal pasture, and feed and product, from farm to market; and

WHEREAS technology has tremendously improved the safety, size and capacity of today’s truck; and

WHEREAS Colorado’s trucking industry remains one of the most highly regulated industries, keeping trucks safe and records and methods of operation current; and

WHEREAS ranches and farms do not have larges scales for weighing trucks loaded with livestock or feed going from point to point during seasonal movement;

THERFORE BE IT RESOLVED that CLUB 20 urges the Colorado Department of Transportation to adopt rules which will provide appropriate flexibility for the transport of on-farm agriculture commodities without requiring stringent adherence to established commercial over-the-road weight restrictions.

Adopted 9/8/06

Renewed 3/22/13

Renewed 9/10/2021

Resolution in PDF Format