ED-15-1-K-12 Education Funding

WHEREAS the State of Colorado has implemented multiple educational reforms to make sure every child has access to a great teacher and an outstanding principal, but has not changed the …

ED-11-1-Higher Education Financial Aid Distribution

WHEREAS CLUB 20 counties are the proud host of some of Colorado’s leading institutions of higher education including: Colorado Mesa University, Western State Colorado University, Fort Lewis College, Colorado Mountain …

ED-10-2-Education Reform

WHEREAS education is the foundation of our civilized and free society and is the best investment that we can make to help ensure a prosperous future, and WHEREAS providing our …

ED-12-2-Education Guiding Principles

**Note: the following serves as a guiding document only. CLUB 20’s Board of Directors and/or Executive Committee reserve the right to interpret and amend this document and the included principles …