WA – 00 – 1-Total Maximum Daily Load

WHEREAS the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has adopted a rule regarding the Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL); and

WHEREAS Section 303(d) of the Clean Water Act and related federal regulations establish an assessment and planning framework for identifying actions needed to attain water‑quality standards (i.e., water‑quality goals to protect aquatic life, drinking water, and other uses); and

WHEREAS TMDL regulations could have impacts on the management of agriculture operations, water diversion facilities, snowmaking facilities, and private land forestry; and

WHEREAS  the Colorado State Departments of Natural Resources and Public Health and Environment have been named as partners with the EPA in the promulgation of TMDL regulatory rules; and

WHEREAS TMDL measurements are constantly changing due to weather, runoff, fires, and other causes; 

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that CLUB 20 encourages the Colorado State Departments of Natural Resources and Public Health and Environment to review, study and document carefully the consequences of actions proposed by the EPA regarding TMDL regulations on water uses that are vital parts of Western Colorado’s economy, and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that CLUB 20 supports inclusion in the State’s report on TMDL regulations, other existing programs employed in Colorado that achieve the same goal regarding water quality being sought by the EPA. 

Adopted March 3, 2000

Amended April 6, 2007

Renewed September 7, 2012

Renewed September 8, 2017