BA-21-1 Child Care and the Economy of the West Slope

WHEREAS Colorado’s pre-COVID annual economic loss was $2.2 billion in lost earnings, productivity, and revenue; and WHEREAS the consequences of insufficient child care in Western Colorado impacts working parents, employers, …

BA – 06 – 2-Promoting Good Government In Colorado

WHEREAS, while there exist a multitude of organizations which advocate for government policies that benefit their specific constituency, there is currently no mechanism for promoting the foundation concepts of good …

BA – 06 – 3-Planning Colorado’s Future

WHEREAS  Colorado has no long-range comprehensive vision of what we want our state to become, and in the absence of such a long-range vision for our state, Colorado’s public policy …

BA-13-1-Immigration Reform, Support for

WHEREAS CLUB 20 supports immigration reform that reinforces economic strength and stability on a state and federal level that will be viable as the American economy and culture continue to …

BA – 90 – 2-Economic Development Office West Slope

WHEREAS  the Governor’s Office currently funds the position of a Western Colorado Business Development Representative within the Colorado Office of Economic Development, and WHEREAS the Western Slope is a unique …

BA – 10 – 1-Davis-Bacon Wage Act

WHEREAS the Davis-Bacon Act was enacted by Congress in 1931 and established the requirement for paying prevailing wages on public works projects (All federal government construction contracts, and most contracts …

BA-12-1-Club 20 Immigration Reform Principles

WHEREAS Club 20 supports immigration reform that reinforces economic strength and stability on a state and federal level that will be viable as the American economy and culture continue to …

BA-11-1-Business Regulation Principles

Club 20 recognizes that in order to have an orderly society and a dynamic economy, rules must be established that apply to those willing and interested in building businesses and …

BA – 09 – 1-Business/Labor Relations

WHEREAS the quality of life in Colorado is largely determined by the viability of our economy and our ability to remain competitive with other states and nations, and WHEREAS it …

BA-02-1-Affordable Housing for the Western Slope

WHEREAS higher education, energy, agribusiness, tourism, and many other industries are large employers contributing significant economic investment in the Western Slope; and WHEREAS the success of a diverse economy relies …