PLNR-95-1-R.S. Rights-of-Way Regulations

WHEREAS regulations to re-interpret and redefine roads under RS-2477 have been proposed by the Secretary of the Interior; and WHEREAS the proposed regulations have generated a great deal of controversy …

PLNR-94-1-Public Lands and Watershed Collaboratives

WHEREAS groups of community and environmental leaders, State and Federal Agencies, and public and elected officials on the Western Slope  have joined together to collectively and collaboratively study and discuss …

PLNR-16-2-Lynx Management Post-Reintroduction

WHEREAS the Canada lynx was listed as Threatened in the contiguous United States, including Colorado, by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service on March 24, 2000; and WHEREAS we have …

PLNR-99-3-Land & Water Conservation Fund (LWCF)

WHEREAS In 1964, Congress created the Land and Water Conservation Fund to assure that all Americans have access to high quality recreation resources, to enhance the health and vitality of …

PLNR-06-1-Gunnison Sage Grouse Conservation

WHEREAS the Gunnison Sage Grouse’s current range extends across just two states (southwestern Colorado and southeastern Utah) and a handful of counties with viable populations (Gunnison, San Miguel, Montrose, Mesa, …

PLNR-04-1-Greater Sage-Grouse Conservation

WHEREAS the Greater Sage Grouse’s current range extends across eleven states (California, Colorado, Idaho, Nevada, Oregon, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming).  These states have various local/grass …

PLNR-11-1-Government Litigation Savings Act

WHEREAS the Equal Access to Justice Act (EAJA) was passed in 1980 and was intended to provide fair access to legal remedies for individuals, small businesses and non-profit organizations to …

PLNR-02-1-Forest County Partnership Restoration Program

WHEREAS The County-Forest Partnerships Project is a proposal for an innovative County-National Forest project for the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forests in Arizona, the Grand Mesa, Uncompahgre, and Gunnison National Forests in …

PLNR-04-3-Floating Access Across Private Property

WHEREAS Colorado’s river floating community contributes over $100 million annually to Colorado’s economy, primarily in rural areas, and demand for access to Colorado’s floatable streams continues to grow at an …

PLNR-96-5-Fish, Sport Fish Stocking Policies

WHEREAS the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service proposed to minimize the stocking of non‑native fishes (save trout) as part of the program to recover endangered fish species; and WHEREAS the …

PLNR-97-8-EPA Air Quality Regulations

WHEREAS the Environmental Protection Agency occasionally receives requests from special interest groups to change air quality standards; and WHEREAS federal land management plans include analyses of air quality; NOW, THEREFORE, …

PLNR-96-3-Compensation For Game Damage

WHEREAS Western Colorado land owners lose substantial amounts of habitat each year to wildlife, and the State program for reimbursing that loss is inadequate, and WHEREAS all citizens benefit from …

PLNR-07-1-Climate Change

WHEREAS global climate is changing and human factors appear to be influencing climate change; and WHEREAS observed changes in the environment suggest that these changes have the potential to adversely …

X-04-2-Unfunded Mandates, Opposition To

WHEREAS local governments provide many necessary services to citizens of the Western Slope; and WHEREAS there is increased competition for limited resources available to local governments reducing the flexibility of …

X-02-1-Review Period for Proposed State Legislation

WHEREAS: Colorado legislators may introduce as many as five bills during each legislative session, not including legislation that makes appropriations or bills that are recommend by committees that meet between …

X-04-1-Frivolous Lawsuits, Opposition to

WHEREAS it is the right of every citizen to bring forth suit against another to seek redress for damages, and WHEREAS some citizens and corporations have abused this right by …

X-96-2-Boards and Commissions and Cabinet Members

WHEREAS positions on boards and commissions are currently filled by the Governor in accordance with standards for geographic and political diversity, and expertise that is appropriate to the individual board …

HC-03-4-Managed Health Care

WHEREAS Club 20 recognizes that managed care is an important part of the health care system by reducing to consumers overall costs of maintaining the system and providing more competitive …

HC-03-2-Individual Responsibility In Health Care

WHEREAS all citizens must help solve Colorado’s health care issues; and WHEREAS consumers must assume greater responsibility for their health care and must have the opportunity to be educated about …

HC-09-1-Health Information Technology

WHEREAS broad use of health information technology will: Improve health care quality, Prevent medical errors, Reduce health care costs, Increase administrative efficiencies, Decrease paperwork, and Expand access to affordable care, …

HC-03-7-Health Care System Efficiency

WHEREAS CLUB 20 recognizes the importance of a competitive health care marketplace and the value of maximizing efficiency of the health care system for the benefit of consumers, NOW, THEREFORE, …

HC-05-3-Health Care Principles

All Coloradans must work together to help solve Colorado’s health care challenges. Consumers must assume greater responsibility for, and knowledge of, their health and health care choices. Colorado State Government …

HC-03-5-Government’s Role In Health Care

WHEREAS CLUB 20 recognizes that the current health care system is built upon state and federal entitlement programs such as Medicare and Medicaid and that such programs – while a …

HC-11-1-End-of-Life Care

WHEREAS the people of the communities in Western Colorado believe that quality of life is important for persons of all ages; and WHEREAS education is an important component of decisions …

HC-13-1-Behavioral Health Units, Support of

WHEREAS Club 20 has seen the imminent need to support, nurture and heal vulnerable citizens suffering from behavioral health and substance abuse issues, and understanding the importance of decreasing record-level …

EN-03-2-Roan Plateau Management

WHEREAS the Roan Plateau has long been recognized for its mineral resources, with 56,000 acres set aside as the former Naval Oil Shale Reserve (NOSR), and the Roan Plateau Planning …

EN-13-01-Renewable Energy and Efficiency

WHEREAS Colorado has one of the highest renewable energy standards in the United States, which has helped renewable energy resources, such as wind and solar, become a measurable portion of …

EN-01-1-National Energy Policy, Support For

WHEREAS the energy policies of the past are still not working. Our nation continues its dependence on foreign energy and we need to develop a plan that ensures the nation …

EN-14-02-Hydraulic Fracturing Policy

WHEREAS Hydraulic fracturing has been conducted over a million times in the United States, is proven and is not a new technology.  Hydraulic fracturing has also been used to stimulate …

EN-10-2-Ethanol, Support for

WHEREAS the ethanol industry in the United States currently blends up to 10 percent (E10) ethanol in gasoline tanks, and WHEREAS ethanol is a clean-burning fuel that naturally adds oxygen …