TO-18-2-Colorado Welcome Centers, Support of

WHEREAS Tourism is a major component of Colorado’s economy and Colorado Welcome Centers are an important introduction for visitors to the State of Colorado; and  WHEREAS The important task of …

AG-18-1-Industrial Hemp in Colorado

WHEREAS “Industrial Hemp” means a plant of the genus Cannabis and any part of the plant, whether growing or not, containing a delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) concentration of no more than …

WA-98-2-Water Projects, New

WHEREAS the construction of new projects is integral to providing adequate water supplies to future generation of Coloradoan’s; and WHEREAS Colorado is investigating how to provide adequate water supplies through …

WA – 00 – 1-Total Maximum Daily Load

WHEREAS the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has adopted a rule regarding the Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL); and WHEREAS Section 303(d) of the Clean Water Act and related federal regulations …

WA-14-1-Support For Water Conservation Efforts

WA-14-1 Support For Water Conservation Efforts WHEREAS Population projections for Colorado indicate that the present population will double by the year 2050 and the associated water demand will primarily be …

WA-00-3-Selenium Control Programs

WHEREAS selenium is a naturally-occurring geological material in western Colorado, and WHEREAS the United States Environmental Protection Agency and United States Fish & Wildlife Service have advocated for more stringent …

WA-10-3-San Miguel Project

WHEREAS Congress passed the Colorado River Basin Project Act in 1968 (CRBP), authorizing construction of five Colorado projects, including the San Miguel Project, and WHEREAS CLUB 20 continues to support …

WA-12-2-Prior Appropriations Doctrine, Support for

WHEREAS Colorado adopted the Prior Appropriation Doctrine before statehood as its guiding philosophy for allocation of scarce water resources to growing demands; and WHEREAS Colorado enshrined the Prior Appropriation Doctrine …

WA – 02 – 1-In-stream Flow Program

WHEREAS in 1973 the Colorado Legislature passed landmark legislation to protect Colorado’s natural environment through a pioneer in-stream flow law; and   WHEREAS since the inception of Colorado’s instream flow …

WA-03-2-Funding Authority for Water Projects

WHEREAS the State Water Supply Initiative (SWSI) phases 1 and 2 have shown the need for additional water storage in order for Colorado to meet its 2050 water demands; and …

WA-92-1-Water Quality Regulations

WHEREAS the Clean Water Act requires and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has promulgated rules to address control and mitigation of non-point source pollution, and WHEREAS the EPA continues to …

WA – 98 – 3-Denver Basin Aquifer

WHEREAS Senate Bill 74, adopted in 1996, authorized the State Engineer to conduct a thorough,/ peer‑reviewed, scientific study identifying a 300 million acre‑foot groundwater supply in the Denver Basin Aquifers, …

WA – 93 – 2-County 1041 Powers, Water Projects

WHEREAS ‘1041’ authority: C.R.S. 24-65.1-101 et seq. of the Colorado Statutes, allow counties to identify, designate, and regulate areas and activities of state interest through a local land use permitting process, and …

WA-14-2-Colorado Water Plans

WHEREAS Colorado adopted an important and well-received statewide Water Plan in 2015 and most recently updated its Water Plan in 2023 along with periodic technical updates; and WHEREAS the original …

WA-11-1-Colorado River Cooperative Agreement

WHEREAS competing perspectives between Denver Water and Western Colorado regarding Denver Water’s use of Colorado River water are long and  storied; and WHEREAS Western Colorado parties have engaged in negotiations …

WA – 96 – 1-Colorado River Compacts

WHEREAS There has been much discussion in recent years about the future of water development in the West; and WHEREAS Several proposals have been controversial because of their potential impact …

WA – 03 – 1-Colorado 64 Water Principles

WHEREAS Club 20 leaders participated with sister organizations – ACTION 22 and PROGRESSIVE 15 – and several Denver Metro entities (including the Denver Water Board, Denver Chamber of Commerce, and …

WA-02-2-Aspinall Unit Operations

WHEREAS in January of 1962, the United States acquired water rights decreed in the Colorado Water Court for water storage and hydro-electric power generation at the Aspinall Unit from the …

TR-14-01-Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS)

WHEREAS the use of unmanned aerial systems for civilian use is forecasted to become an emerging industry that will provide significant benefits for the residents of Colorado, as well as …

TR-02–1-Gross Combination Vehicle Weights

WHEREAS gross combination vehicle weights are restricted on Colorado state highways per Colorado Revised Statute; and WHEREAS increased gross combination vehicle weights in Wyoming and Utah are not limited by …

TR-02-4-Colorado Aviation Fuel Tax Funding

WHEREAS annually, significant state aviation fuel tax funds are disbursed to public use airports throughout the state; and WHEREAS disbursements are made by the Colorado Department of Transportation’s Division of …

TO-09-1-Tourism Promotion Funding

WHEREAS tourism is a major component of Colorado’s economy, being one of the top job creators along with education, health services, transportation and construction, and WHEREAS nearly  87 million visitors …

TO-94-1-Scenic Byway Maps

WHEREAS Colorado’s Scenic Byway Program has celebrated its 25th anniversary WHEREAS Western Colorado is home to several officially designated national scenic byways; and WHEREAS CLUB 20 supports including federal funding …

TO-14-01-Recreational Trails Program RTP, Support Of

WHEREAS recreational trails are an important economic driver for Colorado and its West Slope economies by drawing visitors to their communities for tourism and recreation opportunities; and WHEREAS federal agencies …

TO-10-1-CDL Requirements for Passenger Vans

WHEREAS Colorado’s tourism industry is an important part of western Colorado’s economy, and is comprised primarily of small family-owned businesses, and WHEREAS many within this industry depend on the use …

TE-05-1-Telecommunications Principles

Affordable, quality, widely- available access to advanced telecommunications services and broadband service is critical to the present and future viability of Colorado communities, businesses, and residents.   The proper role …

TE-00-1-Cell Phones, Prohibiting Limits on Use of

WHEREAS the vast distances between communities in western Colorado require the use of cell phones for business, personal, and emergency situations, acting as a critical communications tool, and WHEREAS local …

PLNR-09-3-Horses & Burros, Management of “Wild”

Whereas the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) “Wild” Horse and Burro Program (“WH&B”) March 2020 statistics are: The public rangelands identified for management of “wild” horses and burros have a …

PLNR-01-5-Weed Management, Colorado’s Plan

WHEREAS successful and cost‑effective weed management endeavors require an organized and coordinated effort among all affected landowners and industries; and WHEREAS the purpose of strategic plans is to provide a …

PLNR-93-4-State School Lands, Opposing Sale of

WHEREAS state school lands were originally set aside to provide revenue for public schools in rural areas; and WHEREAS such lands now support a substantial agriculture economy, and provide revenue …

PLNR-96-1-State Park Fees

WHEREAS the Colorado Department of Parks and Outdoor Recreation and the Colorado Division of Wildlife have been merged to create the department Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW); and WHEREAS there …

PLNR-95-2-State Ownership of Public Lands

WHEREAS several prominent congressional committee chairmen have been discussing legislation which would allow states to assume ownership of BLM lands within their states; and WHEREAS Under this proposal, states would …

PLNR-94-1-Public Lands and Watershed Collaboratives

WHEREAS groups of community and environmental leaders, State and Federal Agencies, and public and elected officials on the Western Slope  have joined together to collectively and collaboratively study and discuss …